Redstone writer attached to proxy causes lag and log spam.
Icoza opened this issue ยท 6 comments
This only appears to affect the redstone writer and I believe I tracked the issue down to c661821. This bug is not present in version 1.0.8 which is why I believe the redstone writer is acting strange with that commit. Every other reader, writer and interface appears to interact correctly. The order of connection doesn't appear to matter, if you insert a variable into a redstone writer that is pointing towards a proxy, the log spam starts.
Log with the different errors separated by '/'.
Oh dang, I haven't updated my main server to this change. I am running into an issue on trying to update the mod though. I think I have to break the block before updating but I'm not sure. I'll post crash log here in a sec unless I should make it a new issue.
Remember to backup your world before update the mod, this mod is still not stable enough