- 2
1902 Build 44 release for forge updates as fabric version
#39 opened by DelviousCrafts - 0
[Feature Request] Custom layered ore veins
#40 opened by lonevox - 0
1.18 | createPressing recipes raise a warning due to unnecessary processing time property
#41 opened by loldev69 - 2
[Feature Request] Fabric 1.20?
#42 opened by serenovv - 1
Milling and Crushing recipes not identifying
#4 opened by MiniHumon - 1
JEI Issue with Multiple Outputs from a Compacting Recipe
#5 opened by surprisedpika - 0
Support for Create Fabric
#7 opened by Lukebb04 - 1
CI failing due to multiple uploads
#11 opened by MaxNeedsSnacks - 3
Fabric - createFilling recipes are broken
#12 opened by Evoloxi - 3
Forge - Fluid Output Broken
#13 opened by enigmaquip - 2
Missing keepHeldItem option for Deploying recipes
#14 opened by PssbleTrngle - 1
[Suggestion] Ability to register items and blocks as potato cannon projectiles
#15 opened by Xaidee - 1
Is it possible to have a salvage like for the precision mechanism as a output instead of a different item
#18 opened by CoolerGangster - 1
[Feature request] New recipe type in Create 0.5 ("type": "create:item_application")
#19 opened by BogusAlgorithm - 1
[Feature request] Item type -- Sandpaper
#20 opened by Lgmrszd - 10
Cant add custom recipe on create fabric(crushing or any other create recipe)
#22 opened by SercraftGaming - 1
Potion NBT in Create Mixing Result is Missing
#23 opened by stop-x13 - 6
#25 opened by DJ-Laser - 3
[1.19.2] Latest create causes crash on startup
#29 opened by DelviousCrafts - 2
Fabric - Fluid amount is bugged [SOLVED]
#30 opened by MaDo15 - 1
No CF Changelogs
#31 opened by MadSciSlack - 3
Milling recipes don't complete
#32 opened by ChiefArug - 0
Create Cogwheel Builder
#33 opened by PssbleTrngle - 1
Create Addon breaks Chance
#34 opened by FooterManDev - 0
[Feature Request] Custom Fan Processing Recipes
#38 opened by PyroBurnem - 0
1.20.1 Version Compatibility Request
#36 opened by M0nkeyPr0grammer - 0
KubeJS 1.16.5 Create: Above and beyond; KubeJS has not been initialized, unable to launch
#37 opened by parapun - 0
Support `modifyResult`
#43 opened by Zangdorx - 0
incompatible with newest create fabric version
#44 opened by Karotte128 - 4
not open source!
#47 opened by SOSSALMON - 1
Minecraft Fabric 1.20.1 Missing
#48 opened by KenleyundLeon - 7
Sequenced Assembly Issue? (1.20.1)
#49 opened by kienerxyzzy - 0
Recipes with fluid output not working
#1 opened by aonkeeper4 - 1
Ingredients in Mixing recipe not being registered correctly?
#2 opened by AncientShotgun - 1
Incompatable with Create 0.3.2
#3 opened by Xetsuma