- 2
PoiTypeBuilder not working due to blocks not being loaded yet
#554 opened by PssbleTrngle - 12
Unable to manipulate REI entries of items, that don't "exist"
#550 opened by SplendidAlakey - 14
Unable to remove recipes from BetterNether; possibly all BCLib mods
#551 opened by SplendidAlakey - 7
Can't upgrade enchanted item in smithing table.
#557 opened by 4AC11 - 1
KubeJS has failed to load correctly
#555 opened by Liaame - 3
Every reload crashed the game.
#558 opened by Druivenpasta - 0
How can I keep the fluid from flowing
#556 opened by Alan-Yan-CanMeng - 3
#565 opened by 3291710947 - 4
Failed in attribute modification for mod weapon
#559 opened by sssssLug - 2
Blocks don't register when I boot up my game
#560 opened by PuddingStone - 0
`VariantBlockStateGenerator`'s `variant` method overloads should be called different things
#563 opened by nok-ko - 5
Kubejs has failed to launch correctly: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
#564 opened by HamishWHC - 2
Crafting with Unbreakable Tinkers' Construct tools.
#566 opened by KodYazanDruid - 5
Unexpected behavior when modifying tool tier level
#567 opened by zaeonNineZero - 0
Failed to parse recipe warnings
#569 opened by kingkuys2123 - 2
`block.right_click` doesn't fire
#571 opened by C0D3-M4513R - 1
All the Mods 8 1.0.9 - startup script syntax error
#574 opened by caelansimms - 1
[1.16] Gamestage recipes don't work without a reload
#575 opened by aaronhowser1 - 1
[1.18.2] recipes.custom causes inability to join servers.
#576 opened by V2LenKagamine - 2
recipes with NBT doesn't work
#579 opened by Ruanxingzhi - 4
Recipes on serveur doesn't load in jei!
#587 opened by RobinErza - 0
[1.18.2/1.19.2] Fluid vaporization
#580 opened by cech12 - 2
Cancelled milking cow, give a ghost milk bucket
#581 opened by AriesStar1337 - 4
Creating item models ignores layer0 and renders default texture
#584 opened by TheLordofMelons - 0
Export Recipe ID's
#582 opened by FooterManDev - 22
Cannot instantiate a Java Class or call vararg methods
#583 opened by C0D3-M4513R - 3
Block Loot Tables Aren't Working?
#586 opened by AnAwesomGuy - 2
Defaultoptions in Forge 1.19.2 do not seem to take effect, but only for keybinds!
#592 opened by Raidobw2 - 4
Custom recipe ingredients are stripped of NBT
#588 opened by aaronhowser1 - 1
JS files in datapacks don't load
#589 opened by tizu69 - 6
All The Mods 8 - KubeJS encountered an error during the complete event Phase
#593 opened by RLChristof - 0
Expected argument of type object, but instead had type object
#594 opened by sigmasoldi3r - 0
Have list_tag command sort the tags alphanumerically
#601 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 5
Custom block gets overridden in the world
#595 opened by Spyeedy - 3
Nullish Coalescing Operator (foo??bar) does not work
#596 opened by Qualia765 - 0
Painter text becomes null when it is modified in any way
#597 opened by Qualia765 - 0
SoundType being weird
#599 opened by AnAwesomGuy - 0
Use placed block's state instead of default state in BlockStateModifyPlacementCallbackJS
#600 opened by Spyeedy - 7
KubeJs has failed to load correctly java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExpection: null
#605 opened by hapsurantospa - 1
Fluid.of doesn't work
#606 opened by PelleXXX - 2
Need a "pause" between consecutive calls of "removeAllTagsFrom" from tags events
#602 opened by Zifiv - 4
Cannot find Read Me/ Example Script Files
#603 opened by OlivadThefighter - 0
invetory.clear() does not clear items in survival crafting menu
#604 opened by Qualia765 - 10
Ability to make an item an instance of a java class.
#607 opened by th3impasta - 3
All recipes broken
#618 opened by Brown-bricks - 4
Changing mod display name not working
#619 opened by TheStaticVoid - 1
KubeJS does not read the singularity NBTtag from Avaritia
#611 opened by CalibryTeam - 0
replace a tag input/output in recipes is currently impossible
#612 opened by DelviousCrafts - 1
Can't reload 0th index of player inventory
#613 opened by Preta-Crowz - 0
Ingredient.custom doesn't match anything in recipes (Forge)
#614 opened by ForgottenUmbrella