- 3
Blocks disappearing after chunk unload.
#41 opened by Kriss-Hietala - 1
Underwater block placement?
#42 opened by WhyDidIHaveToDoThis - 1
Printer placing wrongly rotated trapdoors.
#37 opened by Hasenzahn1 - 1
Java 17 not compatible
#38 opened by moehrle007 - 1
Litematica latest settings unavailable
#39 opened by Ghozgul - 4
For the next version of litematica printer, set the default printer delay to 0.5 or 0.6 - Here's why...
#40 opened by Divoret - 2
When blocks are not obtainable via creative, the player freezes up and it does not solve until /kill is used or other methods of dying occur
#43 opened by InsaniteaTV - 1
Breaking blocks
#44 opened by V1K1NGbg - 3
Print error on Button Placement
#49 opened by Johannes7k75 - 6
Minecraft 1.18 support
#45 opened by 112batman - 2
Some blocks not placing the correct way
#46 opened by charliegustard - 2
Can't disable air placement
#47 opened by TyraVex - 5
Add support for Forge
#48 opened by MoustacheOff - 2
observer facing wrong
#59 opened by iTaiwanlol - 2
[BUG] Crash when joining World
#54 opened by ForBai - 1
[FEATURE] Automatic Noteblock Notes
#55 opened by ruigouveiamaciel - 1
Auto Right Click is bugged in multiplayer
#56 opened by ruigouveiamaciel - 3
Stair not oriented correctly
#57 opened by Scalion - 1
Incorrect blocks placed and some blocks don't place.
#58 opened by charliegustard - 2
Add print delay feature
#60 opened - 5
Not functioning properly on multiplayer servers.
#63 opened by ActualVoidDiver - 2
Cant place lava buckets
#61 opened by Legomonster33 - 1
I dont know how to download this can you send me tutorial pls ?
#62 opened by FRAJOoOSK - 2
Ender chest / autocraft
#64 opened by beldinn - 4
Noteblocks not setting
#65 opened by CypherCrafting - 3
Paths & Farmland Will not be made.
#66 opened by Manrock1 - 1
Printer places observers the wrong way & wrong chests
#67 opened by Esoterism - 1
Printer "Breaks" Players' Neck, Can't Place Anything
#68 opened by porplenugget - 1
Flower Pots
#69 opened by BenignPigeon - 3
The perfect addon, thanks! When 1.18.2?
#70 opened by terrormaximaal - 2
Feature request: Mode Place only where you look
#71 opened by FurnyGo - 8
Build with gradle
#72 opened by MCAzertox - 4
Iron Trap doors won't place open
#75 opened by charliegustard - 4
disable automatic movement
#19 opened by ThiccTomato - 3
ghost blocks
#20 opened by FredTheFriendlyFox - 2
item frame
#21 opened by ppmaster69 - 1
speed place
#22 opened by UNKNOWN525 - 6
please update for 1.17
#23 opened by nashwik - 1
How to active the printer?
#25 opened by mxuricerm - 5
Incapable of moving after enabling Printer
#26 opened by queenzeb - 1
Crash when joining server
#27 opened by emielderckx - 1
How to Use/Control
#28 opened by Nightcore0302 - 1
Unnecessary save folder bundled with the .jar release files
#29 opened by lsuperti - 4
The printer opens chests when trying to place blocks on them
#30 opened by demsarm - 2
Disable placement of rotation dependant blocks until player is actually facing right direction
#31 opened by maxsupermanhd - 1
Printer mode deleting false blocks
#32 opened by mcgodbuild - 1
QoL improvement for tools/items on hotbar
#33 opened by Taucari - 3
#34 opened by EduardoSepu - 1
#35 opened by Shrek1222 - 5
Wrong blocks placed
#36 opened by SulpherStaer