- 7
Dungeon Crawl Interaction SMP bug
#1 opened by Slither88 - 4
Issue with Barrels
#3 opened by mahjerion - 5
Issue with Dimensional Dungeons
#4 opened by WindFox - 2
All chests generating empty
#5 opened by feathersstreet - 1
Trapped Lootr chests aren't an option.
#6 opened by Moleculor - 1
HYWLA does not recognize a Lootr chest, and shows nothing when looking at one.
#7 opened by Moleculor - 1
Crash with dungeon crawl
#8 opened by Tyrius1 - 3
No Lootr Chests generating in Dungeons Plus
#9 opened by maradotwebp - 4
No Lootr chests for Pirates & looters
#10 opened by Slither88 - 5
Huge loot duplication exploit with Mekanism's cardboard box.
#12 opened by Grzesiu447 - 5
Minecart with Chest loot
#13 opened by Lartza - 1
Piglin interactions are incorrect
#14 opened by noobanidus - 0
Missing "Unable to open" on some Lootr blocks
#15 opened by noobanidus - 59
Check Here First! Known Incompatibilities/Active Pull Requests
#16 opened by noobanidus - 2
Lootr Minecarts Do Not Turn Blue When Opened
#17 opened by ChloeDawn - 2
Lootr chests can be opened when there is a block above it
#18 opened by ochotonida - 1
Configurable blacklist based on loot table namespace
#19 opened by noobanidus - 1
Duplication bug with Lootr chest in minecart
#21 opened by Andr0oS - 1
Apotheosis Lootr incompatibility
#22 opened by krlenell - 1
Implement Lootr API
#23 opened by noobanidus - 3
Crash with mohist servertype and lootr
#24 opened by Xplodin - 1
[suggestion]Redstone activation when opening lootr chests
#25 opened by jinkhya - 2
/lootr custom
#26 opened by willtarax - 7
Chest Config?
#27 opened by TheLewtz - 1
Looted Chest looks Gold When Picked Up
#28 opened by Yourname942 - 2
[Feature Request] Color for Opened chest which still contains loot
#29 opened by Yourname942