- 0
Server permission feature request
#234 opened by steenooo - 3
BungeeluckPerms error
#233 opened by det483 - 2
"Failed to load jar for dependency SLF4J_SIMPLE"
#232 opened by Tenelia - 2
addgroup/removegroup command
#231 opened by steenooo - 2
Error pinging remote server thrown on bungee.
#230 opened by Joapple - 3
Suggest: Improve temporary commands
#229 opened by netherstar - 7
In-game console not printing properly
#228 opened by Yavin7 - 0
Proper sorting of sponge.data->default.json
#227 opened by Darktilldawn - 2
Per-World specific permissions occasionally fail to work
#226 opened by Darktilldawn - 1
Issue with adding prefix
#225 opened by mike40376 - 4
luckperms does not download modules
#223 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 2
[Sponge-3.0.65] Error with adding groups to track
#222 opened by Nykorin - 1
- 1
How to change language, prefix and all the displaying message ?
#220 opened by Seeyko - 3
- 6
Allow grouping contexts together
#218 opened by creator3 - 5
Failed to load jar for dependency SLF4J_SIMPLE - SpongeVanilla
#217 opened by Mahagon - 14
Error with BungeeTabListPlus and Sorting Rule
#216 opened by Joapple - 3
#215 opened by pixar02 - 1
permission feature
#214 opened by popcorn9499 - 2
Luckperms-Sponge - Enable /op in luckperms.conf
#213 opened by TechnoRunner18 - 3
Vault primary group permission doesn't respect weights
#212 opened by Phoenix616 - 3
New flatfile schemas
#211 opened by lucko - 4
I can't list user permissions
#210 opened by IlPicasso - 18
Errer, timeout by the Mysql login
#209 opened - 7
GriefPrevention permission gets overwritten
#208 opened by Sir-Will - 1
#207 opened - 1
making a node false seems to do nothing?
#206 opened by gerardvanschip - 1
Question: API group meta/prefix
#205 opened by nurdism - 0
import special-symbol not work
#204 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 0
Suggestion - List members
#203 opened by PiggyPiglet - 4
placeholders and sponge server
#202 opened - 7
Vault .getPrimaryGroup() returns null
#201 opened by KateHutch - 9
Meta Not Working (SkyClaims) - Sponge
#200 opened by Rob5Underscores-zz - 1
[1.7.10] Exception whilst reading file console spam
#199 opened by BytesByBytes - 0
Replace calls to #setPerm and #unsetPerm to unchecked method where applicable
#198 opened by lucko - 0
Sponge commands refactor
#197 opened by lucko - 1
Suggestion: make developer API backwards compatible
#196 opened by Eufranio - 2
Communications Link Failure
#195 opened by Ra-Zim - 4
Removing a player prefix using null does not work
#194 opened by leelawd - 7
[1.7.10]Luckperms-Legacy not loading
#193 opened by BytesByBytes - 9
How Do I Stop This?
#192 opened by SirRicharalar - 1
Mysql - Too many connections
#191 opened by Westus - 1
I Can't use /ban even though i have Op and * added to my rank
#190 opened by SirRicharalar - 6
Per server group feature request
#189 opened by lcswolf - 1
Weird issue upon using multiple servers
#188 opened by dukedase - 8
Switching to mySQL storage
#187 opened by dukedase - 5
Event for player/group meta changes
#186 opened by mikroskeem - 0
Setting Prefix/Suffix Meta Error
#185 opened by Rob5Underscores-zz - 1
MySQL Duplicate entry
#184 opened by Darktilldawn