- 1
LuckPerms not installing on bungeecord
#781 opened by Morsmorse - 0
I keep getting this before and after i removed griefprotections
#780 opened by jh1226 - 13
Error with newest version on loading
#779 opened by LucyValeheart - 3
Support for Factions-For-Nukkit?
#778 opened - 0
MongoDB Replica Set connections cannot resolve
#776 opened by mcgrizzz - 2
World inherit permission
#774 opened by Loonyy - 2
Prefix has been set but does not show (NukkitX)
#773 opened by AlekEagle - 2
The server crashed violently. (NukkitX)
#772 opened by AlekEagle - 2
the nukkit version isn't detected in the plugins
#771 opened by AlekEagle - 26
Anonymous gist API deprecation
#770 opened by lucko - 3
Nukkit Resource Page
#769 opened by augesrob - 7
Bungee perms
#768 opened by ucraft02 - 7
How do I connect mysql
#767 opened by masri1 - 7
groups and weights what is the correct usage
#766 opened by Ironic8b498 - 1
Display ranks in playerlist
#762 opened by lucasburte - 2
Add negative permission?
#761 opened by InflamedSebi - 4
Fake permission nodes
#760 opened by LucyValeheart - 10
Add NukkitX support
#759 opened by funniray - 1
Error in API
#757 opened by tauchet - 2
Perms aren't working
#756 opened by WilliamTheo - 0
Perms won't load (using h2)
#755 opened - 3
Ranks not Syncing
#754 opened by AleXutzZu - 0
Implement SubjectDataUpdateEvent
#753 opened by lucko - 4
Plugin fails to load
#752 opened by Brycey92 - 7
Startup exception
#749 opened by DarkFort - 0
Let a user override the temporary-add-behaviour when setting temporary permissions
#747 opened by Turbotailz - 9
Clear all users from all groups
#746 opened by TrademarkTM - 1
Issue with exporting and importing
#743 opened by Otterboi-Mori - 13
Temporary permissions are not deleted from the database
#736 opened by wConstruct - 2
Apply a node if only one context applies
#735 opened by connormichalec - 21
Applying perms does write them to disk but not to cache in rare cases
#734 opened by johnfriedrich - 3
LuckPerms not support hungarian characters [cracked server]
#733 opened by andris155 - 5
Specific permission to add a player in a group
#732 opened by Rakdos8 - 2
IncompatibleClassChangeError on Thermos 1.7.10
#725 opened by wConstruct - 8
Bot Spam Massive Lag
#724 opened by johnsoncui02 - 2
Permissions order
#723 opened by SlimeDog - 0
Can't get source from UserTrackEvent
#722 opened by Phoenix616 - 7
I'm always getting this error. When I'm trying to join my server for the first time.
#721 opened by DrOreo002 - 1
One permission, multiple servers.
#720 opened by connormichalec - 16
Config option to choose between depth-first and breadth-first inheritance resolution
#719 opened by mibby - 3
Lock temp permission/parent/meta's expire time
#718 opened by prozhong - 3
luckperms not recognized
#717 opened by EclecticInventor - 2
mysql Error
#716 opened by Kapakulia - 1
[RU] Updating plugin translation
#715 opened by DarkFort - 1
Placeholders do not take anything out
#714 opened by DarkFort - 3
Placeholders not working in animated names plugin
#713 opened by jumbo1907 - 13
Prefixes Not Working
#712 opened by dvdcd - 1
Stack User Prefixes
#711 opened by ArctoranDev - 9
Vault prefix/suffixes
#710 opened by LaxWasHere - 5
MySQL Problem
#709 opened by AleXutzZu