- 1
Commands not working
#785 opened by tripleb1 - 1
Ignoring the nickname register
#786 opened by DarkFort - 1
Small wiki issue
#787 opened by Jekotia - 0
LuckPerm won't let me use commands?
#788 opened by Traylon - 3
[Request] New Placeholder
#789 opened by michelecoco - 12
not detecting vault
#790 opened by dalton62398 - 7
Web editor not loading on Version 4.1.1
#791 opened by JonCris - 0
I can have perms but owner can't?
#792 opened by Traylon - 3
Web interface update request
#793 opened by RFlintstone - 1
Incompatibility with Multiverse-Core v2.5-b699?
#794 opened by JonCris - 6
API hasPermission and temp groups
#782 opened by Sir-Will - 2
Default assigments are not working
#783 opened by Pjooo - 9
The editor error
#801 opened by ArtNRG - 3
Suggestion: Allow a Self Hosted web based editor
#802 opened by PenguinNexus - 6
How do I get the prefixes working(Nukkit)
#803 opened by Synkstar - 1
Issues with meta stacking
#795 opened by camfsd - 3
This plugin crashes my server!
#796 opened by RamboIcsDee - 1
[Non-issue] String.intern()
#797 opened by creator3 - 5
Grant permissions to people with spaces in their name? (NukkitX)
#798 opened by AlekEagle - 2
Server grouping
#799 opened by Mikgreg - 1
Not compatible with waterfall?
#800 opened by Mikgreg - 1
Stack temporary group membership
#808 opened by hegedex - 1
Can't connect to my PostgreSQL db
#804 opened by uncleSetRick - 8
Createtrack command causes MySQL issue
#805 opened by jacobsandersen - 0
null uuid in hasPermission(VaultPermissionHook.java:120)
#806 opened by StrangerFive - 2
Creating an editor-session from the console does not work
#807 opened by JustDJplease - 1
Some question
#812 opened by mclegendary1 - 4
[Suggestion/Help Request] Control over certain groups
#813 opened by VulpusMaximus - 2
[Suggestion] Copy all data from one account to another
#814 opened by iaxedu - 2
Verbose paste - 413 Request Entity Too Large
#809 opened by DarkFort - 1
LuckPerms-Sponge-4.1.17.jar and higher not work in spongeforge
#810 opened by ziceptor - 2
[Suggestion] Changing name of default group
#811 opened by funniray - 10
Java 9 classloading is broken
#815 opened by kohjoz - 1
Verbose error
#822 opened by LogGits - 0
#823 opened by FireController1847 - 2
#824 opened by ziceptor - 1
Failsafe - Feature/enhancement Request
#825 opened by Nighko - 9
Disable fly in the end
#827 opened by Sikatsu - 8
Update checking
#828 opened by SlimeDog - 16
update from 4.1.5 to 4.1.25 breaks permissions
#829 opened by frizzbee30 - 1
Server Hangs on shutdown: "Closing storage..."
#830 opened by oy2 - 1
Permissions data could not be loaded. Please try again later. (BungeeCord Version)
#816 opened by lucasburte - 25
LuckPerms Bungee Prefix
#817 opened by xtechgamer735 - 6
Luckyperms having a delay before doing commands
#818 opened by nessie2013 - 3
Add filter options for search, perm info, meta info
#819 opened by voodootje0 - 2
Players have 'default' group in addition to other groups
#820 opened by Trikolon - 6
Ranks across server
#821 opened by NeutralPlasma - 2
**ALL** Data transferring / not messing up prefixes and suffixes and setting ranked people to default
#831 opened by Gaeta - 2
MySQL Sync
#832 opened by pdglobal - 6
The command /lp import skips certain permissions from the file
#833 opened by DarkFort