- 1
API-Methods moved/broken
#835 opened by lkoeninger - 1
Crash on region load
#836 opened by EverNife - 3
[question] EssentialsX - list primary group issue
#837 opened by TheoRetisch1 - 8
FakePlayers Permission Group stays on default, despite group Switch [DiscordIntegration]
#834 opened by CDAGaming - 1
Tchat and tab with temporary group are different
#845 opened by titanium63 - 1
[Suggestion] Placeholder that verify permission based on given world context
#838 opened by hsombini - 6
Inheritance issue when converting storage databases.
#839 opened by WizzleBear - 4
The weight argument should be optional in addprefix /addsuffix commands
#840 opened by lucko - 0
editor utf8
#841 opened by ziceptor - 1
#842 opened by RoboSkyrat - 3
Hanging on startup
#843 opened by SlimeDog - 1
Display the uuid type in the info command output
#844 opened by lucko - 3
Feature request - Be able to edit offline users perms in editor
#847 opened by Joe7670 - 1
How to hide this message?
#849 opened by madtomic - 1
Custom Msg: You do not have permission to use any sub commands.
#848 opened by madtomic - 2
Custom Msg: You do not have permission to execute this command!
#850 opened by madtomic - 1
Group rename won't change existing users/parent groups
#851 opened by voodootje0 - 5
.git directory is not found!
#852 opened by madtomic - 4
Running LuckPerms title...
#854 opened by madtomic - 3
Typo in Wiki>Web Editor
#855 opened by DerSeb90 - 2
#856 opened by madtomic - 4
Event based permissions
#846 opened by TheLimeGlass - 3
/lp editor ERROR
#865 opened by yBarttY - 4
German translation for LuckPerms(submission)
#866 opened by itsTyrion - 6
Permissions data could not be loaded.
#867 opened by wiciu9339 - 1
LuckPerms does not load on BungeeCord proxy.
#868 opened by leolifbom - 2
Sometimes group parent add commands in an import are ignored.
#869 opened by JethroHotep - 1
Quotes are ignored with Prefixes (on Nukkit?)
#870 opened by funniray - 1
Permissions data could not be loaded. Please try again later.
#857 opened by hddnninja - 2
Has problem with GriefPrevention while reading meta value with '0'
#858 opened by Tollainmear - 1
#859 opened by EnterTG - 1
Previous versions of libraries are not removed after the upgrade
#860 opened by ziceptor - 1
Unprocessable Entity
#861 opened by SeruhioX - 7
Group used in different contexts
#862 opened by Rakdos8 - 2
Case matters for world-rewrite
#863 opened by Katrix - 1
Add more placeholders for displaying highest weight group prefix and displayname.
#864 opened by PetKCH - 9
LuckPerms and ProjectE permission issue
#873 opened - 3
/lp editor not working
#874 opened by 7-75 - 5
NullPointerException getDataDirectory
#875 opened by Sir-Will - 4
Problems with MySQL / Проблемы с MySQL
#876 opened by bo0o0t - 18
No work tracks / Не работают треки
#877 opened by bo0o0t - 3
[Nukkit] Suffix won't show beside my nametag!
#878 opened by XDqrkneZ - 2
vault-server and playerAddGroup
#872 opened by Sir-Will - 1
Special Char problem with /lp editor
#879 opened by Tiippex - 21
Permissions on other servers do not work except global
#880 opened by DarkFort - 5
Server hangs on shutdown whilst "shutting down internal scheduler"
#881 opened by lucko - 1
How to set default rank ?
#882 opened by TheIntelloBox - 0
GroupManager migration issue
#883 opened by voodootje0 - 2
Argument based permissions not checked(?)
#884 opened by jvdoorn - 3
Question about initial setup in granting full access
#885 opened by barrettc