- 4
[Sponge] Unsetting permissions with/without context flags
#935 opened by Rasgnarok - 5
Bug track
#934 opened - 1
An error in console.
#933 opened by MarcIsLive - 2
i installed luckPerms in my plugins foldier but it doesnt work
#932 opened by borgsy2 - 7
Luckperms with Towny/townychat
#931 opened by Phyther - 27
Prefix & Suffix Stacking
#930 opened by ItzAntony - 13
getActiveContexts high CPU usage
#929 opened by XakepSDK - 1
Split Storage Not Working on LP 4.1.X for Sponge
#928 opened by CathalCraft - 1
Wiki mistakes
#927 opened by benazarenko - 1
Editor down?
#926 opened by CitrusFruit - 1
Cannot login
#925 opened by SlimeDog - 2
#924 opened by ziceptor - 5
Argument based do not work Sponge
#923 opened by meredithdoto - 1
Feature Request: See what permission nodes a WebEditor /applyedit has changed.
#922 opened by sorcererno - 10
commands do not work when used with default target selector variables (@p, @e, etc)
#921 opened by rjohnson98126 - 4
Console does not have permissions to use command. (SpongeForge)
#920 opened by meredithdoto - 2
After migration, old players are taking between 10-90 seconds to get their permissions.
#919 opened by Phyther - 3
Feature request: configurable list of verbose options
#918 opened by SlimeDog - 2
Allow use of percentage sign in /lp search
#917 opened by Foorack - 1
Web Editor Suggestions
#916 opened by MineyShadow - 3
Luckperms is using much more MySQL connections that it should
#915 opened by Guarmanda - 2
Suggestion: Delete Permission From All Known Users
#914 opened by Max604 - 1
BungeeCord permissions
#913 opened by da-llama - 12
Error found with luckbungee - Disables use of luckperms in bungee
#912 opened by ICEconchy - 1
Copy ranks permissions
#911 opened by da-llama - 1
#910 opened by PhilippBloss - 2
MSSQL Support
#909 opened by Weeb6279 - 23
Meta Priority
#908 opened by Sir-Will - 1
Empty Packet / Crashing Players
#907 opened by andrewkm - 1
Wiki Link is incorrect. EssentialsX Jenkins apparently changed.
#906 opened by RussianRonin - 5
Prefixes not showing in chat
#905 opened by Dinoosawruss - 1
Feature Request: /lp user parent replace <group1> <group>
#904 opened by xtechgamer735 - 1
Permissions data could not be loaded issue
#903 opened by SpiderBobPlayz - 1
Latest nukkit version doesn't work
#902 opened by nilsbrychzy - 10
Stacking doesn't work/broken.
#901 opened by icehenrik - 4
LuckPerms not works ( SPIGOT 1.8.8, Viaversion 1.8.8 - 1.12, BungeeCord server)
#900 opened by Killers0992 - 14
SpongeForge Tables Not Found
#899 opened by kmccmk9 - 27
Essentials Gamemode Permissions
#898 opened by pocketcraft1 - 2
debug command causes null pointer
#897 opened by kain184 - 2
Command to all to all groups a permission.
#896 opened by TheIntelloBox - 1
Question: Is it possible..
#895 opened by Phyther - 1
Webeditor and permission tree can't be open
#894 opened by timo-0302 - 0
Group/user permission clear
#893 opened by voodootje0 - 0
VPS network setting
#892 opened by WindUnwaken - 6
Ability to use the same display names multiple times or inheritance it.
#891 opened by voodootje0 - 3
Add amount of permission entries in info
#890 opened by voodootje0 - 1
GadgetsMenu bug.
#889 opened by TheIntelloBox - 1
Issue on Bungeecord join or quit
#888 opened by dimpetrop - 1
DiscordIntegration bot does not have permissions to use non-vanilla commands
#887 opened by 132ikl - 4
World rewrites
#886 opened by Loonyy