- 3
players can't see each other
#1369 opened by fanjinhui - 1
getDisplayName API
#1368 opened by DesperoKF - 1
Not loading
#1367 opened by BlazingTide - 2
Permission nodes are case-sensitive
#1366 opened by DrPanic - 22
#1365 opened by MrErikCodes - 2
Sponge running commands
#1364 opened by demonte4509ui - 1
[BUG] Accent
#1363 opened by SeruhioX - 3
Blank lines in console (Bungee)
#1362 opened by Chappy202 - 3
Command to add time to a temporary permission
#1361 opened by GoogleSites - 4
Web editor resets rank weight
#1360 opened by Chappy202 - 2
Track command that automates inheritance across groups
#1359 opened by Turbotailz - 4
CustomNPC mod - Npc cannot deal damage on Npc, animals and player.
#1358 opened by wa66rpg - 1
SSL issue
#1357 opened - 9
Error while enabling LuckPerms (runs OKAY if no other plugins installed
#1356 opened by call911nowplz - 1
#1355 opened by muddup - 4
LuckPerms crash server
#1354 opened by CrazyWords1 - 7
Verbose: rate limit in-game output
#1353 opened by Artuto - 3
IP forwarding help
#1351 opened by sfxworks - 1
Bulkupdate temporary permissions
#1350 opened by Poggicek - 2
Adding not equal operator to context
#1349 opened by Poggicek - 11
BungeeCord MySQL Error
#1348 opened by MCMDEV - 1
Context question
#1347 opened by Francisco-Carvalho98 - 1
Crash server random
#1346 opened by alexhackers - 1
Per servers
#1345 opened by VortexCraft1 - 8
- 2
Bungee's new tab complete aka inject_commands
#1343 opened by x1p - 2
Conflict with Towny Perms
#1342 opened by LuisGVE - 6
LuckPerms does not work with any plugin.
#1341 opened by DanHCraft - 0
LuckPerms not using prefixes/suffixes after editing EssentialsX config
#1340 opened by waffle1234 - 3
Luckperms won't sync to the database
#1339 opened by 123hotdog1100 - 1
MySQL charset issues
#1337 opened by ZConnorZ - 1
"allow-invalid-usernames" does not work when using API
#1336 opened by jiongjionger - 1
Error when enabling
#1335 opened by yooteri56 - 1
LuckPerms-Bukkit-4.3.49 and OpenJDK 11.0.1
#1334 opened by smmmadden - 1
[Suggestion] FastLogin support
#1333 opened by Lmmb74 - 10
Bad Gradle include snippet
#1332 opened by CommanderTvis - 2
Permissions not working.
#1331 opened by reageer - 103
Issue with TownyPerms
#1330 opened by RubenBarrionuevo - 2
lost connection: Disconnected
#1329 opened by furkanbalci0 - 1
Error while connecting to MySQL. Help me!
#1328 opened by zAlyson - 2
Editor cannot connect
#1327 opened by AzureOpus - 3
How to override inherited 'false'
#1326 opened by tadhgboyle - 3
Unable to Connect to Editor Server
#1325 opened by partydev - 3
Is Luck Perms got Timed prefixes? (Question or Suggestion)
#1324 opened by ProblemsSender - 0
problem with bungeecord
#1323 opened - 2
Web Editor issue.
#1322 opened by Cyber-MC - 1
When group has permission to promote users, they can promote themselves
#1321 opened by tadhgboyle - 1
LuckPerms fails to start on Velocity
#1319 opened by LXGaming - 2
#1318 opened by TheNety - 2
SSL spam
#1317 opened by ludvdber