- 3
Add FAQ Entry - "Where is my permissions.yml file!?"
#1455 opened by Foxtrek64 - 6
Use in Dev-Environment causes AbtractMethodError
#1454 opened by Panakotta00 - 5
PEX to LP migration issue
#1453 opened by ItsMatthewP - 3
Default group permissions not updating until after restart
#1452 opened by bloodmc - 2
Colorcode bug in the Console
#1451 opened by LarsArtmann - 5
Can't open the editor (502 Bad Gateway)
#1450 opened by Feniksovich - 20
Can't open the editor
#1448 opened by bobdabiulder - 6
Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4'
#1447 opened by Thrasilias - 1
Instance of API from proxy plugin
#1446 opened by marshallwalker - 2
[API Question] How can I force load player?
#1445 opened by DrOreo002 - 10
Failed to validate connection.
#1444 opened by LucidusMC - 10
Can't Use Signs
#1443 opened by ShadowAngel25 - 5
Alternative track promotions
#1442 opened by Foxtrek64 - 10
API - im trying to get a players ownnodes using the API
#1441 opened by Twi5TeD - 0
Attempt to detect and warn about CraftBukkit + offline mode problems
#1439 opened by lucko - 0
Cant use /log notify
#1438 opened by KhaozFrost - 9
Permission issue DeluxeChat
#1437 opened by codebycam - 2
Permissions data for your user was not loaded during the pre - login stage - unable. Please try again later
#1436 opened by FNG12358 - 2
LP Editor fails to connect to ByteBin during group edits.
#1435 opened by TheFlagCourier - 3
Deploy implementation/common core for more advanced usage of API
#1434 opened by gabizou - 4
LuckPerms pluginmsg: How to use?
#1433 opened by iWillBanU - 7
MYSQL multiserver
#1432 opened by GGNoPotato - 6
Luckperms Placeholder error
#1431 opened by xGlenor - 4
MySQL SSL Problem
#1430 opened by iWillBanU - 2
LuckPerms API NoSuchMethodError
#1429 opened by bloodmc - 1
Trying to get luckperms to work with spigot + forge permissions at the same time.
#1428 opened by MaxSaleh - 1
Can't seem to load any prefixes in chat - essentials login chat does display it on welcome
#1427 opened by daronhudson - 2
Crash using Spigot 3GB
#1426 opened by hornta - 2
hasPermission node lookups not working with context
#1425 opened by bloodmc - 5
CachedData does not support transient lookups
#1424 opened by bloodmc - 1
Unable to find table on PP migration
#1423 opened by OGreenC - 9
Need a way to unregister and unsubscribe.
#1422 opened by Pangamma - 1
Migartion PowerfulPerms
#1421 opened by Arkobat - 2
Multiple prefixes with ChatEx 1.6
#1420 opened by loperd - 1
Redis support as a datastore
#1419 opened by NNorbertPL - 6
/lp applyedits - 404
#1418 opened by artur9010 - 2
Error with Citizens
#1417 opened by BrainRTP - 1
Server Crashing LuckPerms-Bukkit-4.3.87
#1416 opened by CodingLukas - 3
Access Denied for user?
#1415 opened by TechLow - 6
MySQL "No operations allowed after connection closed" error
#1414 opened by akiraic - 2
Problems With Prefix and Group Name label:type:issue
#1413 opened by Nim54321 - 8
Web Editor Error
#1412 opened by PlinioRasch - 1
Issue with bungeecord syncing.
#1411 opened by FishbirdDD - 1
Can't load data
#1410 opened by TheSilentPro - 5
[Feature Request] Migration from UltraPermissions
#1409 opened by CraftSteamG - 5
LuckPerms Bungeecord not working
#1408 opened by draexo - 8
Server is disconnecting people after I add permission to the group
#1407 opened by BestMark - 2
Help with the API
#1406 opened by DeinPlay - 4
Server Randomly Crashes after adding 1 code line
#1405 opened by CodingLukas - 2
LuckPerms won't load on latest bungee
#1404 opened by g0d-gam3