- 2
LP wont run on newer nukkit
#2290 opened by andsim - 1
Unable to pass event UserDataRecalculateEvent to handler
#2289 opened by mibby - 3
Luckperms MariaDB
#2288 opened by NineTown - 7
[BUG ?] Luckperms take more than a minute to load the mysql database info
#2287 opened by maxlehot1234 - 11
MySQL Error
#2286 opened by simondumalski - 5
[Bungee] SQL No more working since add plugin PremiumVanish
#2285 opened by tutur1004 - 2
Server console flooding with warning
#2284 opened by Ghoulcinder - 1
Random error
#2283 opened by Simon-Xz - 2
Luck perms not loading
#2282 opened by MASG29 - 1
Context error
#2281 opened by LiinxTV - 3
LuckPerms having issues on Bungeecord
#2280 opened by Fyroeo - 11
Suffix isn't showing,
#2279 opened by Tonyism8669 - 14
Luckperms just isnt working.
#2278 opened by galaxyy9 - 13
How do i use lpb on the console?
#2276 opened by FazzyPlayzMc - 4
Slow shutdown on Velocity
#2275 opened by jordanamr - 2
Crash when i use LuckPerms in server (Sponge-Forge)
#2274 opened by Oxibaros - 6
Ldap sync?
#2272 opened by Spacelord09 - 1
CMI Vault message -> could be removed?
#2271 opened by bobhenl - 0
Contexts not working
#2270 opened by FazzyPlayzMc - 1
Error on Nukkit (player quit)
#2269 opened by ToraToraNii - 2
Incompatibility with forked spigot
#2268 opened by kenbear101 - 2
Converting from flatfile to MySQL
#2267 opened by aevans1987 - 1
Default rank bug
#2266 opened by RealSounds - 1
Players can't use perms given to them
#2265 opened by PotatoFart - 1
Prefix Stacking issue!
#2264 opened by DuhGhost - 2
Add support for TLS with Redis 6
#2263 opened - 1
Update player tab completions when permissions update is received
#2262 opened by Hwiggy - 19
Config Option that Will Give Vault API’s Permission#getGroups Groups Instead of Display Names
#2261 opened by demengc - 4
Temporary perm.
#2260 opened by crsglobalmusic - 2
Unknown server crash
#2259 opened by CatgirlChilis - 1
Add more time
#2258 opened by Axer22 - 1
Adding to Groups
#2257 opened by Jayfin1 - 1
#2256 opened by DennyResx - 6
MySQL issue
#2255 opened by BryanGmG - 2
server crashes
#2254 opened by MrSnowDK - 2
uuid issue
#2253 opened by MrFreasy - 2
Kicked for permission data not loaded
#2252 opened by MathieuB59 - 2
Make a group for 1 server only
#2251 opened by FazzyPlayzMc - 34
Command Blocks giving 2 items instead of 1
#2250 opened by Bladesteel - 2
Suggestion : Add command to give the remaining time for a permission
#2249 opened by anxic - 3
Per track permissions not working
#2248 opened by Krokogator - 2
The LuckPerms API is not loaded.
#2247 opened by LiinxTV - 4
no tp permission - but has the permission
#2246 opened by Akorian - 2
Missing a File yaml.storage
#2245 opened by PrankWars - 2
I can´t put command blocks
#2244 opened by JesusLaCo - 1
Cant set permissions on BungeeCord
#2243 opened by chauveaul - 2
Warning message on fresh server...
#2242 opened by roracle - 12
A error with UUID in Bungee
#2241 opened by Elguerrero11 - 2
LuckPerms server consistent crashing
#2240 opened by ArisDraws - 3
LuckPerms not Syncing
#2239 opened by garrettpfoy