- 8
luckperm placeholders do not work with extracontexts
#3052 opened by KKYH246 - 1
Show a warning when multiple groups have the same weight
#3050 opened by NEZNAMY - 2
Storage system error
#3049 opened by LeBaasti - 1
My luckperms editor is not working correctly.
#3048 opened by peanutpiggylol - 3
Problem with the default group
#3047 opened by Guest1131 - 1
Add placeholder for displayname mit PlaceholderAPI
#3046 opened by PlayGameDEV - 5
In game gui for perms
#3045 opened by Luminous-Journey - 1
Chat and Tablist
#3044 opened by LPDMinecraft - 1
It dont work on Proxy
#3043 opened by LPDMinecraft - 2
Errors on openjdk16
#3042 opened by Canary233 - 2
migration from luckperms doesn't work
#3040 opened by OnlyCris - 4
Add Multi-Velocity support (Trevor)
#3038 opened by MastoryMd5 - 6
The [temporary modifier] part of the menu cannot be used
#3037 opened by XiaoJie-150 - 1
MongoDB error
#3036 opened by djohts - 3
The [temporary modifier] part of the menu cannot be used
#3035 opened by XiaoJie-150 - 3
#3034 opened by aleexgheorghe - 6
Handle out of memory exception
#3033 opened by TheFonsi - 6
Potential memory leak
#3032 opened by hkkongou - 3
[Paper 1.16.5] Long Console Error / Lag Causing
#3031 opened by PiggiesGoSqueal - 1
Add for waterdogPE
#3030 opened by Shadow-87 - 3
Rank Signs
#3029 opened by LeitoCc187 - 1
Server crash related to CodeChickenLib and ForgeMultiPart
#3028 opened by FreezyJackalope - 6
Potential memory leak
#3027 opened by hkkongou - 1
#3026 opened by legendary0001 - 1
Cannot access editor.
#3025 opened by ohux - 10
flat file database synchronization
#3024 opened by Hellohi3654 - 6
LuckPerms overwrites or stops some of the Multiverse Worldsettings like Gamemode
#3023 opened by M4RCJO - 1
Getting ready for Java 16
#3022 opened by alkanex-xyz - 1
Spam & thread hang
#3021 opened by AoElite - 6
Incorrect prefixes shown multiple tracks
#3020 opened by jortvanleenen - 1
- 1
[MariaDB] Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server. plugin type was = 'caching_sha2_password'
#3018 opened by RalphORama - 2
[Suggestion] Minecraft commands as permissions
#3017 opened - 5
Prefix Not Showing
#3016 opened by Objectables - 1
#3015 opened by Dqgs - 2
Target selectors not working on sponge with functions
#3014 opened by DaveDevil - 1
I can't join when i restart the server and try to log in again
#3013 opened by FakasMadas - 4
PAPI Support doesn't contain NEXT or PREVIOUS elements.
#3011 opened by dynamojake - 3
Editor error when players > 500
#3010 opened by JerryTheSlime16 - 1
Database cleared / h2
#3009 opened by FelsonMW - 3
The primary group is not updated in the database
#3008 opened by Sceri - 1
Can't Disable GUI Plugins
#3007 opened by StenOverdijk - 1
Warn users with multiple permissions plugins installed
#3006 opened by codingJWilliams - 2
Temp group time left placeholder bug
#3005 opened by HelloItsMeAdm - 1
Huge Database bug who make database timeout
#3004 opened by Keendi - 10
High tick usage when using DiscordSRV JDBC connection
#3003 opened by TraceLTRC - 1
Commands placeholderpai
#3002 opened by D3BoxOfficiel - 2
New Placeholder
#3001 opened by D3BoxOfficiel - 1
Server Crash/Internal Error when Tab-Completing Command Inside of /execute
#3000 opened by freetechtip - 1
luckperms.autoop ping lag on actions like teleport or switching gamemodes
#2999 opened by lushsurvival