- 2
server Context with bungeecord
#1038 opened by Hanarion - 1
Dry Run argument
#1037 opened by RussianRonin - 2
Possibility of using regex in a command?
#1036 opened by andrewkm - 0
Unable to read the jar file LuckPerms
#1035 opened by subtank - 15
OP Not working and Perms not working properly 1.12.2
#1034 opened by LeeRy30 - 6
Error Mysql
#1033 opened by xGlenor - 4
Permissions data could not be loaded
#1032 opened by FunkyNico - 3
Unable to replace group subject permissions in bulk
#1031 opened by bloodmc - 3
Default Minecraft Commands
#1030 opened by XarthDev - 4
LP returning undefined when using extra contexts
#1029 opened by bloodmc - 6
/lp import uses wrong path on SpongeForge
#1028 opened by mdcfe - 3
I can be owner without op even though i am admin
#1027 opened - 1
User/Group Meta Keys
#1026 opened by OmegaWeaponDev - 1
LP and Nucleus issue
#1025 opened by Julio2546 - 18
Error with MassiveCombat
#1024 opened by hafarooki - 4
Not enough open issues
#1023 opened by hafarooki - 1
PowerfulPerms migration issue
#1022 opened by hafarooki - 5
Regex error for regex permission node
#1021 opened by BrainStone - 2
SubjectProxy getPermissionValue performance
#1020 opened by bloodmc - 1
Memory issue
#1019 opened by SlimeDog - 2
New config option! (an idea)
#1018 opened by AeSix - 1
can't add a prefix with spaces in it!
#1017 opened by Neddoo - 5
Error when having enabled-op false
#1016 opened by JoeSGT - 4
The Plugin doesn't work :(
#1015 opened by vascYT - 2
Feature Request
#1014 opened - 1
Isuue with weight after PEX migration
#1013 opened by maxlehot1234 - 5
[1.7.10] LuckPerms times out
#1012 opened by Sir-Will - 4
BungeeLuckPerms - how can i set a serverspecific permission?
#1011 opened by o0Julia0o - 2
Permissions not applying immediately - LP v4.2.12
#1010 opened by RussianRonin - 3
Can't unset a permission.
#1009 opened by Aerocet - 1
#1008 opened by andrewkm - 3
Region/Area Permissions
#1007 opened by austin5919 - 2
I can't disable this message
#1006 opened by Zarpyk - 2
Memory leak LuckPerms Sponge 4.2.7
#1005 opened by eliskvitka - 2
Question: YAML file
#1004 opened by arturek1666 - 1
Question: Am I using the weights correctly?
#1003 opened by k0nker - 3
Feature Request: Per-group prefix stacking
#1002 opened by AeSix - 6
Vault throwing CME on startup
#1001 opened by JamieSinn - 4
Web Editor not working
#1000 opened by NightRider0 - 1
Incorrect group config saving after upgrade from LuckPerms Sponge 4.1.54 to 4.2.2
#999 opened by eliskvitka - 6
Error creating tracks with MySQL storage
#998 opened by alexstaeding - 4
Permission Migration
#997 opened by Vendittii - 3
PermissionsEx-Sponge-LPConvert.jar unable to migrate.
#996 opened by TheTechBandit - 14
Website Editor Not Support Chinese Words
#994 opened by coco0325 - 4
Luckperms maximum-lifetime and Mysql wait-timeout
#992 opened by netherstar - 5
Issue with perma all permissions
#991 opened by sekwah41 - 10
Do not apply in "world"
#990 opened by k0nker - 3
Command execution problem
#989 opened by hohserg1 - 4
What is this: different uuid
#988 opened by netherstar - 1
%luckperms_group_expiry_time_<group name>% Don't work correctly
#987 opened by netherstar