- 3
A Few IMPORTANT issues
#1088 opened by parkermeyers25 - 2
The plugin won't connect to MySQL server
#1087 opened by EmperorSuper - 2
Implement meta priority
#1086 opened by sgdc3 - 2
Error on German translation
#1085 opened by vr6syncro - 1
Illegal Reflective Access Warning on Spigot Server start.
#1084 opened by BEEFY-JOE - 1
Suggestion: Custom Command
#1083 opened by Morsmorse - 3
Unable to open editor (timeout?)
#1082 opened by katalinea - 1
Will it support MySQL 5.7.6+
#1081 opened by Timo-AL - 3
"Field ID doesnt have a default value" error in any perm adding
#1080 opened by Foxgreat - 2
negative permission
#1079 opened by madtomic - 13
issue with unset BEC
#1078 opened by madtomic - 6
Admin/Owner approval for editor changes
#1077 opened by mio9 - 2
applyedits command doesn't apply anything and do nothing
#1076 opened by maxlehot1234 - 2
Help pls
#1075 opened by itsjusttriz - 7
Transfer players with rank to new rank
#1074 opened by Max604 - 3
Paid auto-rank feature?
#1073 opened by itsjusttriz - 2
error while trying to use the luckyperm editor
#1072 opened by douwe265 - 3
Memory leak in bungeecord version
#1071 opened by Sir-Will - 3
General Issue
#1070 opened by Trucasy0 - 7
Rank promotions options. Suggestion.
#1069 opened by Carbonawk - 1
Animatednames sometime don't use correct prefix
#1068 opened by Zarpyk - 1
Bug Report l storage-method = "yaml-combined"
#1067 opened by RawrMaoster - 2
How do I add permissions for bukkit's custom commands?
#1066 opened by POcketCraftServerNew - 0
Allow argument based permission to limit time
#1065 opened by BrainStone - 2
[QUESTION] is it possible to inherit all permission besides one permisson?
#1064 opened by doronseg - 2
Random permissions will be removed when it's synced via MariaDB
#1063 opened by milandekruijf - 0
When using default-contexts global context should be in place for interactive commands
#1062 opened by voodootje0 - 5
Freeze on player join
#1061 opened by hafarooki - 9
Verbose details not displayed
#1060 opened by SlimeDog - 0
Could not load plugin on nukkit
#1059 opened by Gells - 5
Error on PlayerJoin
#1058 opened by DrPanic - 1
SQL error
#1057 opened by MithrandirCraft - 6
Error whilst pushing changes to other servers.
#1056 opened by MrRedNeckKYN - 3
Feature: Add Groups of worlds or "world sets"
#1055 opened by K1ish - 5
LuckPermsBungeeCord v
#1054 opened by tmoflash - 2
Will LuckPerms prevent autocompleting of commands if they don't have permission for it?
#1053 opened by MorphGamer - 2
LuckPerms 4.2.30 fails to start on Sponge
#1052 opened by bloodmc - 1
[FEATURE] Server Groups
#1051 opened by Tim-Rambo - 1
Add ability to have per world groups
#1050 opened by K1ish - 8
Permissions applied until a player leaves the server
#1049 opened by leonardo-dgs - 1
Command to set prefix.
#1048 opened by mibby - 6
Web Editor Session doesn't appear in the Console
#1047 opened by FoxMcloud5655 - 1
Issue with NukkitX preventing plugin from working
#1046 opened by PhanaticD - 11
Ranks don't apply after using parent command.
#1045 opened by Wolfeiii - 0
Console has no permission
#1044 opened by Witchcrafter1 - 2
[API Problem] Setting someones rank!
#1043 opened by TheDaChicken - 10
Permissions won't take effect
#1042 opened by PsyKiere - 1
Large memory usage for LPSubscriptionMap
#1041 opened by Scarsz - 3
Warning during startup (mediocre screenshot included)
#1040 opened by Aerodog - 1
New placeholder idea - listing groups based on group-name-rewrite name & prefix color display?
#1039 opened by mibby