- 1
Luck perms error. Please help!!
#2450 opened by ImTomOriginal - 1
Migrate between offline mode / online mode UUIDs
#2448 opened by codingJWilliams - 1
Luckperms Dev API Problems
#2447 opened - 5
PAPI with ExtraContext crashes server
#2446 opened by SLASHLogin - 2
#2445 opened by LucaPeluka - 1
Help Error LuckPerms with MySQL
#2444 opened by AmbiDeck - 2
Double Prefixes
#2443 opened by TheSuperRobert - 3
Issues with Bot-Attacks when LuckPerms is in the server
#2442 opened by BlackDemonZyT - 4
Failed to validate connection even after configuring wait_timeout and maximum_lifetime.
#2441 opened by VergilPrime - 2
Groups never deleted
#2440 opened by bcotoras - 1
No documentation for API V5.1
#2439 opened by OliverCordingl1 - 6
Error!! i need help
#2438 opened by GoldOuOb - 2
Luckperms Slow
#2437 opened by Dqgs - 3
LuckPerms commands unresponsive at times
#2436 opened by Pulz-TCP - 6
Make meta info command more concise
#2435 opened by Katrix - 7
include-global: false not working
#2434 opened by selfslaughter - 1
DSKAuth and license auth
#2433 opened by DormantCat - 3
API not working
#2431 opened by RandomPersson - 10
Placeholder not working on 1.16
#2429 opened by Sikatsu - 4
Can OP's bypass negative permissions?
#2428 opened by Zelkam - 1
MongoDB connection issue
#2427 opened by Zdziszkee - 4
Server crash, *might* be related to LuckPerms
#2426 opened by bdotsamir - 3
Setting same permission across servers with different server contexts replacing existing data
#2425 opened by bloodmc - 1
Plugin Cant load MySQL
#2424 opened by Cryptics1999 - 2
Constant crash
#2423 opened by Kubson6969 - 1
cannot use temp group parents
#2422 opened by corwinbass - 1
TabModifier Crashes Server when starting!
#2420 opened by AdriPlaysz - 7
Attempt to parse RGB color in LP commands
#2419 opened by pop4959 - 1
Lag causing server to hang for a few seconds every x minutes
#2418 opened by Movinggun - 3
LPB reading contexts same as LP
#2417 opened by Ahmadh26 - 4
Update 1.16.x Expect.
#2416 opened by Gu-f - 4
Slow shutdown on Velocity - vol 2
#2415 opened by mikroskeem - 3
Try to reopen Redis pubsub connection after connection drops
#2414 opened by mikroskeem - 6
Permissions data for your user was not loaded during the pre-login stage
#2413 opened by Frosty717 - 3
doesnt run on Bungee
#2412 opened by claweddragon - 1
switching from the pirate UUID to the premium UUID
#2411 opened by NoOneBoss - 14
Can't do /lp editor
#2406 opened by NXxEpicXCreeperxX - 4
Temporary groups last forever after rejoin
#2405 opened by r3cord - 1
#2404 opened by AnimationgamesYT - 1
Bungeecord API
#2403 opened by Crupes19XX - 4
Add support for the @a selector
#2402 opened by kakduman - 1
Suggestion about a placeholder
#2401 opened by WarnDa - 2
Lag issue
#2400 opened by TwerkRekt - 2
Sponge 2838 Startup Error
#2399 opened by Laarryy - 3
Plugin doesn't work
#2398 opened by lolpixel12 - 9
A Database error occurred whilst loading permissions data
#2397 opened by Maxifort1 - 3
Error to start de server closed when charge luckperm
#2396 opened by Alee-OneHit - 3
[Suggestion] Be able to change the time-format for expiry placeholders.
#2395 opened by Tomi010817 - 13
LuckPerms creates huge amount of threads/reaches limitations and crashes server
#2394 opened by TheGreyDiamond - 1
Mysql Connection
#2393 opened by farukkislakci