- 10
High tick usage when using DiscordSRV JDBC connection
#3003 opened by TraceLTRC - 1
Commands placeholderpai
#3002 opened by D3BoxOfficiel - 2
New Placeholder
#3001 opened by D3BoxOfficiel - 1
Server Crash/Internal Error when Tab-Completing Command Inside of /execute
#3000 opened by freetechtip - 1
luckperms.autoop ping lag on actions like teleport or switching gamemodes
#2999 opened by lushsurvival - 1
Redis pubsub connection dropped, trying to re-open the connection
#2998 opened by junebug12851 - 1
track editor not working
#2997 opened by Takkapi - 1
- 1
LuckPerms failing to start
#2995 opened by Nezz202 - 6
Error TIMED OUT when connecting to MySQL database
#2994 opened by TheDogHusky - 3
UUID error
#2993 opened by CrazyL3gend - 1
Error Whilst Saving User - Issue
#2991 opened by Valentiines - 1
Support for ParseOther extension for PlaceholderAPI for offline players
#2990 opened by MinecraftCitiesNetwork - 2
Mysql error truncation when i put prefix hexa in perm
#2989 opened by DevilishDante - 5
MongoDB failing
#2988 opened by CommandCracker8 - 2
Rankup Tracks by Weight
#2987 opened by Zenomac - 1
Luckperms web editor fatal error
#2986 opened by CorkScrewGnome - 2
Java 16 Issue with Commands in game
#2985 opened by RyanAndersond4 - 0
Java 16 issue when typing /lpb editor or any cmd at all involving luck perms
#2984 opened by RyanAndersond4 - 1
Java 16
#2983 opened by RyanAndersond4 - 4
plugin not vorking on 1.12.2
#2982 opened by zaze06 - 9
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/imaginarycode/minecraft/redisbungee/RedisBungee
#2981 opened by MisterAssm - 2
Disabling bulkupdate confirmation
#2980 opened by dimon0230ru - 6
Unable to run lp commands from command block
#2979 opened by deadfish12 - 7
Sponge: Custom registered contexts don't change game behavior
#2978 opened by whimxiqal - 10
This is nonstop in my console any ideas?
#2976 opened by ripperfame1 - 1
incompatibility with carpet's `/player` command
#2975 opened by spaceclouds42 - 1
[API] No default group
#2974 opened by KleinCrafter - 2
Having issues with /lp editor
#2973 opened by Ethanboyz - 1
Config files are mislocated in the fabric mods folder
#2972 opened by zedwick - 3
Could not pass event PlayerJoinEvent to LuckPerms v5.3.20
#2970 opened by Dreeam-qwq - 3
Temp Groups/Permissions turning into Perm
#2969 opened by tangerine349 - 3
Editor command throws error and takes 5 minutes to execute
#2968 opened by the-najjar - 5
The player#hasPermission method it's returning false for temporary permissions?
#2967 opened by Tyguh - 0
Disallow empty permission node
#2966 opened by benwoo1110 - 1
LuckPerms pre-login bug
#2964 opened by Yaknesik - 5
LuckPerms clears all permission settings on reboot
#2963 opened by Rafa-s-r - 5
It is recommended to add a track function
#2962 opened by XiaoJie-150 - 10
When the fabric version luckperms executes the / LP group default permission set command, it does not have the original permission after the set
#2961 opened by YiGe18 - 2
Prefix.0.rank not working
#2960 opened by LaganDevs - 2
LuckpermsBungee has 1000000 problems.
#2959 opened by sasi2006166 - 1
'meta settemp' ignores the provided temporary modifier
#2957 opened by emilyy-dev - 7
Bungeecord network bug
#2956 opened by or01558 - 1
Extract color from prefix
#2955 opened by jonasradke - 3
Obtaining the expiration date of the group
#2953 opened by DrakMC - 2
TPS drops when changing world
#2952 opened by bobhenl - 16
Error "Another command is being executed, waiting for it to finish..."
#2951 opened by Feldmarschall - 5
Reducing timer on temporary perm node
#2950 opened by lolmwahahah - 9
Group.getUsers() method
#2949 opened by Dymeth - 0
LuckPerms stopped commands sent by RCON in the latest builds.
#2948 opened by KarlPro123