Mama's Merrymaking - A Minecraft Christmas and Winter Holiday Mod

Mama's Merrymaking - A Minecraft Christmas and Winter Holiday Mod


Just in time for the start of Spooky Season, Halloween content is here!

(Versions 1.18.2, 1.19 and up)

Costumed Mobs: Monsters like Spooky Season, too! You can find zombies, zombie villagers, witches, skeletons, creepers, and even spiders all festively dressed for the occasion!

Costumes: The Humanoid monsters (zombies(of all types), zombie villagers, and witches) all have a chance to drop pieces of their costumes. Collect them all! You can even upgrade them to netherite so that you don't sacrifice survivability for fashion!

Trick-or-Treat Bags: Each mob that is wearing a costume (except spiders) can drop a trick-or-treat bag. You'll find small treats (and tricks) inside!

Noisemaker: This works like a goat horn. Use it to annoy or scare your friends!

Music Disc: We can't forget spooky tunes to go along with the season! Find the Halloween music disc inside various dungeon chests.

Aged Wood: Cut down a Pine tree, and let the logs sit out until they weather and rot. Then use them to build spooky houses! (Note: this feature is only for 1.19 and up)

Spooky Fence: It's a black pointed wrought iron fence, complete with a skull on the gate. And the gate even has a creepy squeak when opened. It's perfect for graveyards or keeping mobs at bay.

Foods: Candy Apples, Apple Cider, Pumpkin Bread, Caramel Popcorn, and Candy Corn all await you in this update. Try them all!

Happy Halloween, everyone! Enjoy!


Maiden's MerryMaking is a festive Holiday mod that adds content to your Minecraft world so that you can celebrate your favorite holidays in-game!

Find blocks, items, mobs, achievements and more that add some festive fun to your world!

Winter Holiday Content:

Festive lights of several types

Decorative garlands and wreaths

Lamp posts that you can place a torch inside and decorate with either a wreath or a bow

Doors with wreaths

A new type of fence that can be decorated with garland and wreaths

Walls that can be decorated with garland and wreaths

Fireplace Mantels that you can hang a stocking on

Small mantel decorations that sit on top of the mantels

Stairs and slabs that can be decorated with roof tiles--which turn to snow covered roofs when hit with a snowball!

Small spruce trees that can be chopped down and decorated with ornaments, and topped with either a bow or a star

Presents that when broken, drop gifts for you

Ugly Christmas Armor in 2 colors, but can be mixed and matched for ultimate cringe factor

Crops for food items--corn,mint, sweet potato and ginger

Festive foods

Some blocks and items for Kwanzaa: Mkeka, Kinara, Chalice, corn, sweet potato, harvest tray

Some blocks and items for Hanukkah: Menora, dreidel, gelt, rugelach

Leaves with lights

Two holiday music discs

St. Patrick's Content:

Green beer

Glass mug

Clover plant

Four-Leaf Clover

Several Achievements

Easter Content:

Easter Baskets: contain goodies and have a small chance to spawn a colored bunny that you can tame as a pet!

Easter Card: found in dusty old dungeons. Maybe there's still something inside...

Bunny Costume: crafted from Angora Wool, which is only found in Easter Baskets

Easter Egg Decorations: find these throughout the world. Collect them all for achievements and a prize!

Easter flowers: Hydrangea, Hyacinth and Easter Lily

Easter treat: Chocolate bunnies!

Easter Bunnies: Various sizes and colors come in Easter baskets, but normal sized ones can be spawned from eggs.

Easter Chickens: Yellow chickens that drop colored eggs.

I am very excited to announce that I am now partnering with Akliz!

If you need a hosting server, this is definitely the place to go! Their quality is phenomenal and their customer service/support is outstanding! Use my link on the banner below for a discount! :)


Geckolib is now required to run this mod. You can find it here: