- 1
[Code enhancement] De-enumize network messages
#5595 opened by Nightenom - 2
citizen complaint
#5597 opened by AlmiraVex - 1
Builder once again having a phat stroke (He's refusing to build again)
#5599 opened by JevilFromVSauce - 1
Citizens disappearing randomly
#5600 opened by kpiatkowski - 6
NPC never clear the hunger
#5602 opened by PSYCLE321 - 1
Food issue
#5604 opened by JevilFromVSauce - 4
Town Hall 100% done but the builder doesn't think so
#5618 opened by UndoneDestiney - 8
Builder wants unknown item
#5620 opened by I3estOFF - 2
[1.15.2] Lumberjack AI issue
#5621 opened by hron84 - 0
Ticking entity
#5623 opened by lebanni - 4
tavern isnt save for visitors
#5611 opened by Tyrokas - 8
Deliveryman Exception
#5612 opened by WenXin20 - 1
Warehouse 5 Medieval Spruce specific building error.
#5613 opened by JevilFromVSauce - 2
Trouble with miner's stairs
#5631 opened by chey-to-mozg - 6
Most buildings level 5 Medieval Spruce refuse to be built.
#5632 opened by JevilFromVSauce - 1
Builder's stopped working on Fortress style colony
#5633 opened by lyricalprimeboy - 3
Decorations medievalOak/spruce can not be build/upgrade towards south/north directions
#5634 opened by Bookshield - 2
Bug Report, 1.15.2
#5628 opened by lyricalprimeboy - 1
Minecraft 1.16.1 Mod Critical Bug
#5648 opened by tendze - 3
Warehouse voiding items
#5637 opened by Leviwulfish - 2
Crash on death
#5641 opened by Beralath - 7
CHICKEN MAN AI has broken
#5642 opened by PSYCLE321 - 2
Bugs and complaints
#5643 opened by AlexFrezerX - 5
Asian Barracks Tower Placement Issue
#5646 opened by CaptainAether - 4
Medieval Oak Farm 3 breaking AI
#5647 opened by Leviwulfish - 1
Colonist Menu does not Open When Right Clicking Colonists
#5651 opened by Numnums22 - 1
More Ai Error
#5652 opened by PSYCLE321 - 2
I can't craft the town hall 1.12.2
#5653 opened by Richyflamingo - 5
Unable to unlock research related to town hall level 4.
#5650 opened by LlmDl - 1
AI bugs
#5654 opened by PSYCLE321 - 6
No one is working
#5655 opened by johananderssonv - 1
Still Ai has bug ( builder )
#5656 opened by PSYCLE321 - 14
Game crashed
#5663 opened by naughtywolf - 2
little tiles compat
#5665 opened by Darcmut - 4
Right-click Bug on Minecraft 1.16.1
#5664 opened by JospehPoggi - 2
Colonie disappeared after update to 1.16.2 - 0.13.182-ALPHA
#5659 opened by Inomutso - 1
Guardtower isn't buildable
#5660 opened by Kemtari - 4
Request system throwing IllegalArgumentException
#5672 opened by jarquafelmu - 2
Colony Banner Crash
#5673 opened by AkGamerRo - 6
Cannot build Guard Tower
#5674 opened by PoliteDevil - 2
Delivery Man just stands in the Warehouse
#5676 opened by kingledo - 1
Medievaloak Dyer schematic broken
#5677 opened by Sparzethin - 1
Issue with maximum number of citizens in a colony
#5678 opened by Flar3on12 - 1
Crash issue when placing structure.
#5679 opened by Mysteriaa - 2
Game crashes after builders "Skip the chit-chat"
#5680 opened by MichalDolharz - 7
Error Loading mods & in game
#5666 opened by DangerDr - 1
#5667 opened by Dallas1117 - 0
Field block not being used up by builder
#5668 opened by TheMerced - 1
Lumberjack gives error and stops working
#5670 opened by IlonaOttenEmphebion - 2
(1.15.2) minecolonies-0.13.184-ALPHA Tried to access field
#5671 opened by McKitten