- 8
Miner leaves ores in the walls of the mine
#6069 opened by timstoop - 2
i can recruit to many citizens from tavern
#6070 opened by thijspoon28 - 3
My AI has run into an issue
#6072 opened by McArgent - 7
Networking issue in 1.16.3
#6073 opened by rmortes - 1
Deliveryman deliver useful things into warehouse
#6074 opened by xiaobbl - 1
Worlds do not load or create. or they crash.
#6086 opened by Naten0992 - 7
Sorting warehouse crashes game
#6087 opened by timstoop - 2
plantation error - wrong plant fields
#6088 opened by radoslawKnitter - 3
after someone dies, some of the inhabitants climb onto the roof of the town hall
#6089 opened by radoslawKnitter - 1
Worlds will not create or load
#6090 opened by Naten0992 - 0
voice volume not distance dependent
#6091 opened by yggdrasil75 - 5
Guard mimicking Vampire - Unable to enter or exit huts
#6093 opened by Poojawa - 2
Item transfer bug (possibly Mousetweaks related)
#6078 opened by Dragolance117 - 1
Missing hired citizens
#6079 opened by Riddler92 - 5
AI error from deliveryman
#6080 opened by Stardestroyer0 - 3
Light does not go right when pirate ship disappears&AI exception was thrown
#6081 opened by xiaobbl - 9
no more citizens allowed
#6084 opened by thijspoon28 - 3
Visitors getting in the way of attacking archers and when hit, gang up and kill the archer + tavern resident stats possible issue?
#6085 opened by Knaxia - 1
Vampirism conflict
#6098 opened by Chrysarius - 0
assigning a job to a sleeping worker causes them to immediately sleepwalk to the work location.
#6099 opened by Minion0ne - 11
Pathing Issue
#6100 opened by AndromedaFallen - 4
World Load Crash
#6102 opened by WenXin20 - 1
i can't get children in my village
#6095 opened by thijspoon28 - 0
Opening clipboard crashes the game.
#6097 opened by antihutka - 3
Not Enough Living Space in Colony
#6104 opened by wowzentori - 4
NPCs "sitting" in the air
#6105 opened by xinpig - 1
Vanishing items if stacking them to citizens inventory
#6113 opened by TheDucksheep - 10
Miner Pathfinding
#6116 opened by BellePullman - 1
Builder not doing anything after changing "builderinfiniteresources" to true
#6117 opened by MichelLaPerche - 8
Builder requires Grass Block to place under huts in certain circumstances.
#6118 opened by gattsuru - 1
Planter giving AI error.
#6109 opened by Knaxia - 3
Work orders bug
#6110 opened by washinoboku - 3
Missing texture in menu screen
#6111 opened by mickyyman - 16
odd interactions or potential bug [1.16.4] Causing world gen to halt for 5 to 10 mins before starting to generate, not sure of actual cause
#6112 opened by SDUBZ - 1
4 issues
#6121 opened by xiaobbl - 0
#6122 opened by AIMURASAN - 1
Recruit and max Town people
#6123 opened by azluun - 1
Emerald Block expansion needs better display
#6124 opened by Nikademus - 11
Supply ship BUG in version 0.13.456
#6125 opened by Bart-Roels - 2
Opening “Decoration” on builders tool crashes the game
#6128 opened by Closhee - 2
Build Orders unable to be deleted and workers “working” while standing in one place
#6129 opened by Closhee - 2
Warehouse Sorting
#6119 opened by camcamhow - 6
No extension for file: minecraft:missingno - client crash
#6120 opened by radoslawKnitter - 0
Damage research does not increase damage after 1st tier (until 6th tier)
#6131 opened by norbby42 - 14
2nd page of warehouse GUI looks weird
#6134 opened by ravenbuilder934 - 1
Waypoints unable to be removed.
#6138 opened by Closhee - 1
Colorblind friendly citizen happiness index
#6139 opened by FesterHead - 2
the cook distributes food to strangers
#6141 opened by radoslawKnitter - 1
[1.12.2] Error messages are sent in the chat to all players in the server
#6143 opened by ExDomino - 3
Citizen GUI crashes game - java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking screen
#6144 opened by mcsunnishines