- 6
Mod minecolonies requires structurize 0.13.66-ALPHA
#6007 opened by kmo093 - 0
Crash on world gen with NoSuchElementException
#6005 opened by skeltoras - 10
Builder and Miner hut blocks randomly become unusable with block missing error
#6006 opened by Starshak3r - 1
Right clicking a Composter Barrel with an Empty Hand Crashes the Game in 1.15.2
#6010 opened by BestBluePenguin - 0
I post this by mistake.plz delete it.
#6011 opened by xiaobbl - 4
Courier doesn't deposit in warehouse
#6012 opened by Aduis1210 - 1
Transparent Villagers
#6014 opened by TransUnicornPrincess - 1
Tavern Help
#6015 opened by TransUnicornPrincess - 2
Fortress Walls Rotate When Upgraded
#6016 opened by ArcusMG - 3
updated minecolonies official modpack, now miner wont eat or mine, also have to restart builders all the time.
#6017 opened by TawnyaBuster - 4
Could not find net.minecraftforge:forge:1.15.2-31.2.33_mapped_snapshot_20200606-1.15.1_at_cb2c348669d4247ac6bd90d0f130be6a4cde8e4c.
#6008 opened by LookUpPls - 5
No loot in vanilla Minecraft chests
#6009 opened by Sunekaer - 1
Cannot Craft Certain buildings
#6024 opened by MisterChester77 - 5
Constant Homelessness
#6025 opened by MisterChester77 - 4
Crop farmer is producing wood and saplings
#6027 opened by JDoeBoy - 1
Extreme Hunger Bug
#6018 opened by BellePullman - 6
the cowboy is feeding all the wheat to cows
#6021 opened by linwetalion - 4
different names in documentation and ingame
#6022 opened by linwetalion - 2
Request System Bug
#6023 opened by ArchEzekiel - 3
[RFC] [1.17.x] Remove cases where null is returned to reduce failure potential.
#6028 opened by marchermans - 5
Emptied milk buckets not being taken from Baker's storage when done with the Milk
#6035 opened by Knaxia - 0
Courier AI problem.
#6030 opened by Qastym - 9
Miner "mining" but not actually.
#6032 opened by viniciusdel - 1
Guards not moving And Citizens Wont Eat From The Cook
#6033 opened by keepinitreal247 - 2
the site http://ldtteam.com/ returns 404.
#6034 opened by linwetalion - 1
Builder only requests pickups when their hut storage is full
#6036 opened by ravenbuilder934 - 23
Guards constantly request shields
#6037 opened by Nikademus - 0
Config settings regarding raids are wrong
#6047 opened by Nikademus - 0
Water bottle
#6048 opened by Nikademus - 25
Raids disabled?
#6049 opened by lucas02061 - 1
Game Crashing On launch
#6050 opened by Gimmick-Legend - 0
Farmer reports error
#6051 opened by Aduis1210 - 1
Couriers not doing requests
#6053 opened by cobdude - 2
[Bug][Major] Tavern Visitors
#6039 opened by TheRealM18 - 1
Cowhand will not breed cows
#6040 opened by shalazan - 2
#6041 opened by Dryelo - 7
Game crashed after loading the worldwith "Ticking entity" exception
#6042 opened by xiaobbl - 1
Warehouse Sorting spam of "Trying to dump into same slot again!" error - sorts items weirdly
#6044 opened by Knaxia - 1
Tools not breaking when used by npcs
#6045 opened by Cherubi09 - 3
Fortress gate with moat and drawbridge builder then breaks the iron gate as he builds it
#6055 opened by SadHorizion77210 - 2
Builder will not except armor or weapons for builds
#6056 opened by mkiefer3711 - 1
file minecolonies-0.13.426-ALPHA-api.jar is not a valid mod file
#6057 opened by pete-koning - 1
Miner wanders off when selecting higher levels on mine
#6058 opened by Aduis1210 - 8
Colony 1 has a very big memory imprint, this could be a memory leak, please contact the mod author!
#6060 opened by radoslawKnitter - 5
Farmer won't use hoe and Miner won't use pickaxe
#6054 opened by rennenga - 3
Supply Ship won't place in overworld
#6065 opened by Moobien - 1
Can complatible to 1.15 optifine?
#6066 opened by xoonsa - 6
Fisherman throws out line but instantly retrieves after 2 seconds punches air and then repeats.
#6061 opened by MertFz - 2
wrong max citizen per colony
#6062 opened by radoslawKnitter - 12
[1.16.3] Supply Ship Won't Place Even When Area is Clear
#6064 opened by MokahTGS