- 0
MiniScaled dimension start raining after server restart
#34 opened by qouteall - 0
Make wrapping copy biome
#30 opened by qouteall - 3
Box doesn't render unless I am very close to it
#32 opened by LateBanana - 0
Make scale boxes chunk-tick when player is close enough
#33 opened by ImSpaceLover - 2
Nested portals have really janky collision
#5 opened by Dual-Iron - 6
[Request] Please add option to change recipe
#6 opened by KMFrench1 - 5
Mobs spawn in boxes when placed
#7 opened by Toon2400 - 1
Scale box manipulation wand
#8 opened by qouteall - 0
Invert crouching manipulates inner block
#9 opened by qouteall - 4
boxes not in miscellaneous tab
#11 opened by lokzz - 3
Any plans for a Forge version?
#12 opened by saubhaagyapurna - 2
Unable to leave scaled box from certain faces
#35 opened by GamyGamer - 0
Cross portal third person view not working inside scale box?
#14 opened by qouteall - 4
Could not execute entry point stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'mini_scaled'
#13 opened by valentinegb - 0
When standing on cross-portal block in scale box, log out, then log in, the player falls through ground
#15 opened by qouteall - 6
Crash while inside box.
#16 opened by lumithespoofy64 - 0
Origins Phantom Falls Through Box Floor
#17 opened by DarianLStephens - 3
[Feature Request] Allow redstone to interract with the world
#18 opened by bananasmoothii - 2
[Feature Request] Generate a dimension in the block
#19 opened by TreBoi - 1
How Do You Remove The Barriers?
#20 opened by TheCrew20 - 4
Setting spawn in scale boxes
#21 opened by JustaFloatingEyeYT - 1
[Request] 1.19.2
#22 opened by xXCooBloyXx - 0
Change time of day when sleeping in a scaled box
#24 opened by ParasiticSquid - 0
miniscale box becomes invisible when 6 blocks away
#25 opened by Tetoguy - 0
Cannot open chest in scale box from outside of scale box
#26 opened by qouteall - 3
If scaled block is surrounded by blocks and while in the scaled block you hit the wall fast, you can no-clip into it.
#27 opened by BreadBod - 2
please, make it so that the crouch to phase into scale block has an option to be toggled off.
#28 opened by coelhoruno - 1
when 1.20 ðŸ˜
#29 opened by 32smackaroons - 1
Can't find scale boxes in creative inventory in 1.20.4 releases, however can in older releases, such as 1.20.1
#36 opened by mmdanda - 0
Wrapping box larger than 64x64x64 shows message of "incomplete"
#37 opened by qouteall - 1
Cannot Delete Scaled Box
#38 opened by MrUnusual - 0
[Suggestion] Set default gravity for every new scale box via gravity changer mod
#39 opened by Pepsied-5229 - 1
MiniScaled backport 4.0.0 for 1.20.1
#41 opened by FullMetalMaster - 3
#40 opened by FullMetalMaster - 0
change max scale limit
#42 opened by landpointpro - 0
Player rendering issue
#44 opened by Paz-bit - 5
there should be a way to lock the boxes in removing placeholder and make portals into real portals
#1 opened by baconlover209 - 1
When in survival, you can fall all the way through the scale block if there is no block below it, causing death on a "3 block" (2 blocks + 1 scaled block) fall
#3 opened by qouteall - 0
Can break outer barrier in creative mode
#2 opened by qouteall - 0
Auto-jump on scale box
#4 opened by qouteall