- 9
Anti virus false positives
#3 opened by xJon - 6
Not compatible with Mixin 0.8.3+
#4 opened by LlamaLad7 - 1
MixinBooter 3.0
#5 opened by XcelOrbit - 5
Crashing on launch
#6 opened by Pabsb - 17
Crash on launch: IllegalAccessError: tried to access class MixinProcessor from class Loader
#7 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
Crash: No mixin host service is available
#8 opened by Rongmario - 6
Crash after updating mixinbooter 3.0->3.2
#9 opened by Exzept1on - 3
Modpack crashed when lauching [MixinBooter 3.2]
#10 opened by Dark2932 - 3
Crash with VanillaFix
#11 opened by magcicada - 14
Crash with newest version.
#12 opened by JonCris - 1
Unexpected crash using mixin booter
#15 opened by LavaHoleD - 1
Refmap not working
#16 opened by tox1cozZ - 1
Incompatibilities with Phosphor
#17 opened by shanoaice - 7
Mixin doesn't work on client-side with release jar
#18 opened by Pival81 - 1
Mod incompatible
#22 opened by Lonelyxiya - 1
Crash on boot, log enclosed?
#23 opened by adecrepitcabbage - 1
Instant crash on launch
#25 opened by Derpford - 6
Minecraft not starting up.
#28 opened by vainlaind4in - 1
MixinBooter 1.12.2-8.0 Crash
#29 opened by 23KiaraMinecraft - 4
Latest update 8.0 crashing (Gui loop)
#30 opened by Desenrrollado - 13
8.0 crash with `Redstone Arsenal` (actually `Better Hurt Timer`)
#31 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
8.0 on 1.12.2 java.lang.IllegalAccessError: on startup
#32 opened by InuYasha86000 - 2
Ver. 8.1 crashes with Integrated Proxy
#33 opened by NobodyHere-rrr - 75
8.0+ currently breaks compatibility with unconventional methods to load mixins for mods
#34 opened by Rongmario - 11
Mixin causes game to crash when entering nether
#35 opened by crush2021-1 - 3
Make a binary release
#36 opened by ReOne21 - 2
Startup crash with Thaumic Fixes
#37 opened by WolfBV - 2
8.0+ Incompatibility with DupeFix Project, causes issues with Thermal Expansion and HEI
#38 opened by jchung01 - 10
[Question] `LinkageError: loader constraint violation`
#39 opened by SettingDust - 5
[Question] How to mixin into `ReflectionHelper`
#40 opened by SettingDust - 1
[Question] `.ClassCastException: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ext.extensions.ExtensionClassExporter cannot be cast to org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.ext.IExtension`
#41 opened by SettingDust - 1
[Question] How to make mixin target preinit works
#42 opened by SettingDust - 2
Crash with BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2-
#43 opened by MPCQUQ666 - 1
Not possible to reference private inner classes in method signatures
#44 opened by NotMyWing - 7
Does exist a complete documentation ?
#45 opened by quentin452 - 3
spongeforge crash on startup
#46 opened by Dan4oby - 1
In RAD modpack crashes
#47 opened by nageih - 1
Crash when using Loliasm, Atum 2, and Apotheosis
#48 opened by KnightCa - 1
UnsafeAllocator.java class issue
#50 opened by AechtRob - 2
MixinBooter crashes the client since 8.0 update
#51 opened by HaHaWTH - 19
Crash "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: yalter/mousetweaks/api/MouseTweaksIgnore"
#1 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
v1.1 Crash on load (ClassNotFoundException: zone.rong.thaumicspeedup.ThaumicSpeedupMixinLoader)
#2 opened by Krutoy242