- 10
Immediate crash when using latest version 10.5
#110 opened by trav90 - 0
Hotswap agent's Premain-Class and Agent-Class manifest attributes are missing from MANIFEST.MF
#109 opened by bigguy345 - 2
Game won't launch after 10.4 update
#108 opened by Romz24 - 3
Crash with frankenstein modpack list
#107 opened by heyheyhey123243 - 0
Mixin Hijacker Could not access the Context
#105 opened by Ecdcaeb - 0
NoSuchMethodError: Logger#info
#103 opened by tomwmth - 0
NoSuchMethodError: GsonBuilder#setLenient
#102 opened by tomwmth - 1
Crash with mixin
#101 opened by MrTheSmile - 15
1.12 | Crash with SpongeForge
#99 opened by Switch-Back18 - 2
`CrashReportMixin` crash
#98 opened by SettingDust - 1
Crash because class Restriction loads too early
#97 opened by Viola-Siemens - 2
Mods not detecting when using 10.0
#96 opened by superJK92iscool - 1
Crash with Phosphor mod
#95 opened by steam9w - 3
Class Loader Error in Development Environment
#94 opened by gamerYToff - 2
Crashes on 1.12.2
#93 opened by birchyy - 1
Crash With Thermal Expansion
#92 opened by Kdjfkfkfk - 12
Compatibility Issue with MC Eternal Modpack and MixinBooter Version 7.2 and Above
#91 opened by FloT1 - 4
ViaForge and MixinBooter
#90 opened by Yura64UA - 1
CubicWorldGen crashes as soon as I press play.
#89 opened by Imran-imtiaz48 - 2
[FR] Bump MixinExtras to 0.4.0/0.5.0-beta and Mixin 0.8.7
#88 opened by SettingDust - 2
[bug report] Removes essential mod
#86 opened by vinnyg0621 - 2
Will not work with the Music Triggers mod on 1.12.2
#85 opened by Dan1172010 - 1
Startup crash
#84 opened - 1
Game crash
#83 opened - 4
Crashes adter adding Mixinbooster 8.8 and Lootr
#82 opened by Kiwicast - 3
SpongeForge is hard dependency on prior 1.12.2
#81 opened by HowardZHY - 1
Crash MixinBooter 9.1 with MakeZoomZoom
#80 opened by Robolightning - 2
Crash MixinBooter 9.1 with VanillaFix
#79 opened by Robolightning - 6
Crashes immediately after I hit play with CubicWorldGen
#78 opened by vainlaind4in - 3
Crash with MixinBooter 9.1, Forge
#76 opened by erplsf - 1
Crash Sponge Forge
#74 opened by haceki - 12
Crash at Mixinbooter version upper 7.1 with RoughlyEnoughIDs and Aether II
#73 opened by Robolightning - 9
Failed to launch with BetterPortal mod on mixinbooter upper 7.1 version
#72 opened by Robolightning - 1
Failed to launch with OptiFine 1.8.8
#71 opened by HowardZHY - 1
The repo for developers is down and builds are failing
#70 opened by TherionRO - 3
Minecraft 8.9 Support Broken
#69 opened by Nolij - 4
Crash on start Up in 8.8 Version
#67 opened by javiburatos - 7
The game did not recognize this module (only the log file)
#66 opened by Mental-annoyance - 3
Crash with LiteLoader
#65 opened by Ecdcaeb - 7
Updated Mixin from 7.1 to 8.8 and got a crash
#64 opened by Darktotaled - 3
Conflict with Essential mod
#63 opened by littlepianist - 13
Requieres mixinbooter bug
#61 opened by NuanKi - 1
#60 opened by kierkking - 3
Try import 8.6 in dev environment
#59 opened by H2Sxxa - 3
MixinsBooster + Forked Proxy crashed on startup
#58 opened by 1Mangomaster1 - 1
My game dont recognize this mod
#57 opened by javiburatos - 1
Critical injection failure: failed injection check, (0/1) succeeded
#56 opened by Nivid-IT - 0
[1.12.2] Crash upon load if Uncrafting Blacklist is installed.
#55 opened by SonicX8000 - 6
Can't use the other classloader with mixinbooter
#54 opened by SettingDust - 10
Crash on startup
#53 opened by ChromaPIE