- 1
[1.20.1] Couldn't parse element loot_tables
#10 opened by border999 - 2
[Suggestion] Gregtech Modern Compatibility
#8 opened by H2GamingTW - 0
Serious Performance Issue (And potential solution)
#9 opened by wiggle1000 - 0
[1.18.2] Computercraft is a required dependency
#1 opened by Skyler5255 - 0
Suggestion: Connectors and the utilities blocks
#2 opened by zehmaria - 2
Breaks creates bulk recipes
#3 opened by Rosenblack - 2
AE wires lose connection to the AE network on chunk un-load.
#4 opened by JennyLeeP - 0
CC Modem with connector, does not drop when broken?
#5 opened by JennyLeeP - 2
Cables for IC2C not working
#6 opened by gfbbkon - 4
Cables for CC:Tweaked aren't working
#7 opened by Mattort - 3
[1.18.2] CC:tweaked wires don't connect
#11 opened by dogfighter3615 - 0
[Suggestion] Backport to 1.16.5
#12 opened by Margatroidu - 1
[Question] does this mod support EnderIO's cables?
#13 opened by DanMeadWasTaken - 2
Compatibility with AppliedE
#14 opened by border999 - 0
[Suggestion] Super Factory Manager support
#15 opened by juh9870 - 0
[Suggestion] create display link cables
#16 opened by hedkne43rei0pow