More Than A Pickaxe

More Than A Pickaxe


 More Than A Pickaxe

MoreThanAPickaxe Overview:

MoreThanAPickaxe enhances the survival experience of Minecraft by adding a tool that does everything (except shearing). No more having to change tools in order to mine different materials. This tool, called an Adze, is a pickaxe, axe, sword, hoe and shovel.

MoreThanAPickaxe Community:

Myself, along with other players of MoreThanAPickaxe, can found at our Discord here. There is also a Guilded server for those who prefer to join it instead of Discord.

MoreThanAPickaxe Requirements:

MoreThanAPickaxe requires SurvivalPlus to be installed and cannot be used without it. The Fabric Version can be found here.

Main Features:

Adze Types:

  • Wooden Adze
  • Stone Adze
  • Iron Adze
  • Gold Adze
  • Diamond Adze
  • Netherite Adze (Is Fireproof in All version)
  • Bronze Adze
  • Titanium Adze
  • Steel Adze (Only Craftable if a Mod adds Steel Ingots)

MoreThanAPickaxe Mod Compatibility:

Mod Compatibility Overview:

MoreThanAPickaxe as of Version 0.1.6 now supports over 19 different mods. But what does that mean? In short, MoreThanAPickaxe will (for these selected Mods) add a new Adze for each of the tool sets found in these mods found/crafted in the same fashion.


Emerald Adze:

Obsidian Adze:

Ruby Adze:

Gems and Crystals:

  • Adds Amethyst, Sapphire, Topaz and Quartz Adze


  • An Adze can chop down entire Trees without the need for configuration


  • Adds Gobber, Nether and End Adze.
  • Gobber & Nether Adze:
    • Chops down entire Trees and can use shift to destroy singular blocks of tree
  • End Adze:
    • Chops down entire Trees and can use shift to destroy singular blocks of tree
    • Shoots Infinite Arrows
    • Places Infinite Torches

1.17.1-1.18.2 (Discontinued):

Emerald Adze:

Obsidian Adze:

Ruby Adze:

Gems and Crystals:

  • Adds Amethyst, Sapphire, Topaz and Quartz Adze


  • An Adze can chop down entire Trees without the need for configuration


  • Adds Gobber, Nether and End Adze.
  • Gobber & Nether Adze:
    • Chops down entire Trees and can use shift to destroy singular blocks of tree
  • End Adze:
    • Chops down entire Trees and can use shift to destroy singular blocks of tree
    • Shoots Infinite Arrows
    • Places Infinite Torches

1.16.5 (Discontinued):

Emerald Adze:

Obsidian Adze:

Ruby Adze:

Gems and Crystals:

  • Adds Amethyst, Sapphire, Topaz and Quartz Adze


  • An Adze can chop down entire Trees without the need for configuration

1.15.2 (Discontinued):

 Netherite Adze:

Emerald Adze:

Obsidian Adze:

Gems and Crystals:

  • Adds Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz and Quartz Adze


  • An Adze can chop down entire Trees without the need for configuration


  • Adds Vulcanite Adze


  • Adds Carbonado Adze

1.14.4 (Discontinued):

Emerald Adze:

Obsidian Adze:

Ruby Adze:

Topaz Adze:

Sapphire Adze:

Gems and Crystals:

  • Adds Amethyst and Quartz Adze


  • An Adze can chop down entire Trees without the need for configuration


  • Adds Vulcanite Adze


  • Adds Carbonado Adze


 Netherite Adze

Emerald Adze:

Obsidian Adze:

Ruby Adze:

Topaz Adze:

Sapphire Adze:

Galacticraft/Galacticraft Planets

Gems and Crystals:

  • Adds Amethyst and Quartz Adze


  • An Adze can chop down entire Trees without the need for configuration


  • Adds Vulcanite Adze


  • Adds Carbonado Adze

Galaxite Ore:

  • Adds Galaxite Adze

The Aether:

  • Adds Gravitite, Holystone, Skyroot, Valkyrie, and Zanite Adze with corresponding special abilities

Hammer Time:

  • Adds a Dense Adze which is a Hammer Time Hammer, Shovel, Axe and Sickle


  • Adds Mercury, Carbon, Uranium, Palladium, Red Gem, magnesium, Crystal, White Gem, Blue Gem, Zinc, Tungsten, BLue Diamon, Red Diamond, Purple Diamond, Yellow Diamond, and Green Diamond Adze


  • Adds Gobber, Nether and End Adze.
  • Gobber & Nether Adze:
    • Gives Night Vision, Water Breathing, and Fire Resistance Effects for 2 Minutes upon Right Click
  • End Adze:
    • Gives Night Vision, Water Breathing, and Fire Resistance Effects for 2 Minutes upon Right Click
    • Shoots Infinite Arrows
    • Places Infinite Torches

1.10.2 & 1.11.2 (Discontinued):

 Galacticraft/Galacticraft Planets :

  • Adds Steel and Desh Adze


Supported Languages:

English (US) - en_us

Spanish/Español (España) - es_es

Jaapanese/日本語 - ja_jp

Russian/Русский - ru_ru

Chinese (Simplified) /简体中文 - zh_cn

Chinese (Traditional) /繁體中文 - zh_tw

Minecraft Version:

Please do not ask for MoreThanAPickaxe to be ported to an older version of Minecraft. coolsim intends to maintain Minecraft versions (1.12 and 1.19) backporting to a version older than 1.10 would take too long for little return. Instead of asking for a mod to be backported, perhaps you can find out if the old mods your using can be updated? coolsim will begin to update MoreThanAPickaxe to 1.20 as the corresponding Forge version is released, so please don't ask. 

License and Modpacks:

Please feel free to use MoreThanAPickaxe in any modpack whilst making sure to give credit to coolsim. Do not redistribute MoreThanAPickaxe in any form.