Add MultiBlock Support to GameStages. Using CraftTweaker Scripts, one can add it such that a Player requires a certain stage, before they can build supported Multiblocks.
Currently Supported MultiBlock Mods:
Immersive Engineering
Example Script showing how it works:
import mods.multiblockstages.IEMultiBlockStages; IEMultiBlockStages.addStage("BlastFurnace", "IE:BlastFurnace"); IEMultiBlockStages.addStage("CokeOven", "IE:CokeOven", "YOU CAN'T DO THAT");
The first example uses the default failure message, however the second one allows you to set a custom message that is displayed to the user when they lack the required stage to construct the multiblock.
To get a list of all IE multiblocks that can be blocked one can call the command "/ct ieMultiBlocks" which should output all multiblocks in the crafttweaker.log file.