- 1
Immersive Petrolium support
#14 opened by agentv9 - 8
support not working
#13 opened by dawsontech30000 - 0
#11 opened by LILL097 - 2
[Suggestion] Compatibility for Immersive Petroleum.
#8 opened by UnlimatedStone9 - 2
[Suggestion] Compatibility for Immersive Tech.
#9 opened by UnlimatedStone9 - 2
Multiblock stage not working with latest IE
#10 opened by wormzjl - 0
[request] use status bar for message when multiblock can't be formed
#2 opened by DaedalusGame - 0
Odd detection on IE multiblock
#3 opened by justinrusso - 0
[1.12] Crash with new Game Stages API
#4 opened by MasterEnderman - 0
[1.12] Odd behavior on servers
#5 opened by MasterEnderman - 1
Error message displays when rotating IE belts
#6 opened by Golrith - 1
[1.12][suggestion] support for modular machinery
#7 opened by mensreaMC