- 2
[question/request] Player pulling for 1.20.1
#10 opened by SilveroGhost - 4
Allow players pulling carts
#3 opened by ChooChoo4 - 1
1.20.2 connecting carts on server disconnects other players
#4 opened by Pawlyssum - 1
Incompatibility with Mythic Mounts
#6 opened by Skuldafn0 - 1
Client crashes when adding armor to a supply cart (1.19.2)
#5 opened by LyricalOnyrical - 3
[1.20.1] Config file does not recognize "minecraft:player" as an entity.
#9 opened by syxht - 2
backport Request, add player pullable carts to 1.20.1
#8 opened by YkVox - 1
[Port Request] 1.17.1
#7 opened by linusvdv - 3
[Feature Request] Small player cart
#1 opened by xR4YM0ND - 8
[Port Request]
#2 opened by Mossy-Skies - 3
Pulling carts while flying elytra
#11 opened by YkVox - 2
incompatibility with modded armour
#12 opened by cole3050 - 1
Make it possible for plows to destroy flowers and tall grass.
#13 opened by Squ-Cog - 2
[Feature Request] Plows should be able to break snow
#14 opened by SuperMatCat24 - 7
Plow cart donesn't work below height 1
#17 opened by Zano1999 - 1
Animals not getting into cart
#18 opened by elpideus - 5
Client-sided crash with supply carts.
#19 opened by majorsanty - 4
Client-Side Crash with Supply Carts [Description: Rendering entity in world]
#20 opened by SalkNL - 5
Jockey Skeleton Horses (and other abstract mobs that are mounted) cannot move
#21 opened by majorsanty - 1
Modded Animal Cart Support
#22 opened by 533kr - 1
[2 Feature Requests] Crop Harvester & Mower
#23 opened by Rhett008 - 1
Crafting Recipes not working
#24 opened by StarbombC3Y - 1
Crash with wandering trader in animal cart
#25 opened by StarbombC3Y - 2
Incompatibility with pathunderfencegates / crash when using plow with shovels
#26 opened by dhannyjsb - 1
Server with Quilt
#27 opened by SicuramenteDave - 1
Crashes when moving an item into a cart
#28 opened by DRAGONTOS - 0
how would i go about changing the range for the mount speed?
#30 opened by 6xolotl - 4
Camels with carts unable to sprint due to Slow mode
#31 opened by 6xolotl - 2
Preventing the cart from disconnecting from horse
#32 opened by Zeptm - 4
[Sever crashed] Exception in server tick loop java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_1297.method_24828()" because "this.pulling" is null
#33 opened by UnnamedWei - 8
Build for 1.21
#34 opened by dylanparry - 0
Cart making step sounds / Feature request: creaking sounds
#36 opened by coily610 - 1
1.21 recipes not working
#35 opened by grale730 - 1
REI does not show the crafting recipe. Also the crafting recipe itself doesn't work in survival
#37 opened by Tiramizuy - 0
Carts are too fragile right now. Make carts a little sturdier please.
#38 opened by BlasterM5 - 8
Crash when rendering flowers in supply cart / hand cart
#39 opened by Mrpressed - 2
Placing Flowers in the hand cart crashes game
#41 opened by skeppp - 0
Sowing and Harvesting
#40 opened by Dot0exe - 7
Crashing upon attaching Supply Cart to a Horse
#43 opened by BugCrusherGuy - 1
Adding modded items to supply cart causes a crash due to the game being unable to render the item.
#44 opened by SOX734 - 0
Crafting Recipe doesn't unlock
#45 opened by setzke