- 0
Failed to remap jar
#555 opened by MZGSZM - 3
Optifabric not working with new fabric loader 0.12.12
#550 opened by PassyFox - 1
OptiFabric not working with sodium
#546 opened by aidenjcheng - 1
Opti fabric cannot play in 1.18
#547 opened by Scoooolzs - 0
java.lang.RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of net.minecraft.class_756 failed
#548 opened by RewardedIvan - 1
My fabric crashed
#549 opened by ShadowVip008 - 0
Optifabric is not working with origins
#551 opened by KateIsEpic - 2
Can't open mc 1.16.5 with optifabric
#552 opened by dvtd12 - 0
1.18 Optifabric Crash
#553 opened by chris819t - 0
OptiFabric white screen
#554 opened by Dzejnixu - 0
Crash with BedrockWater
#515 opened by Lolothepro - 0
1.18 wont launch
#514 opened by ScropionDev - 2
Game crashes when optifabric 1.12.7 is launched with origins 1.3.1
#516 opened by NickTheChicken - 1
Optifabric Causing Crashes Using any build of 1.18 Optifine
#517 opened by Veebav - 1
OptiFabric-v1.12.7 issues towards 1.18.0
#518 opened by abelblue3 - 9
OptiFabric + Minecraft 1.18.1
#519 opened by PetyXbron - 4
Optifabric + Minecraft 1.18.1 + Replay mod
#520 opened by Xlawi - 0
Optifabric not working
#521 opened by YuCihMi - 2
OptiFabric not working 1.18.1
#522 opened by sapsicle - 2
Not working with Fabric API 1.18.1
#525 opened by Rippedbird - 2
1.18.1 Optifine Not Working With 1.18.1 Optifabric
#526 opened by honee-pie - 5
Trying and failing to use OptiFabric in a dev environment
#523 opened by james090500 - 5
Optifabric not working on 1.18
#524 opened by Tmpered - 2
OptiFine 1.18.1 H4 fails to start with OptiFabric 1.12.9
#527 opened by roc123223 - 0
Optifabric and replay mod wont work together
#530 opened by BlackBelt2120 - 2
Game crash Exit Code: 0
#528 opened by taddmencer - 0
Great work here!
#529 opened by Mollfunn - 1
OptiFabric causes crash with Carpet mod
#532 opened by Noxally - 0
RuntimeException : Mixin transformation of net.minecraft.class_3898 failed.
#533 opened by maybecitrus - 1
OptiFabric crashes my game every time I try loading into a world/server.
#535 opened by comedyDog - 7
1.18.1 ver 1.12.10 crash
#536 opened by KentaJin - 3
OptiFabric/Optifine is incopatibile with ReplayMod
#537 opened by music-cat-bread - 1
Optifine not working with origins fabric
#538 opened by Cydims - 0
High lags and 0 fps
#539 opened by thesh1xx - 10
1.18.1 crash with OptiFine > H5 pre2
#540 opened by Nuanulla - 0
Incompatible with Customizable Player Models' armor
#541 opened by SparkdotIe - 2
Is there a build for 1.18.1?
#542 opened by XeonG - 0
1.16.5 wont launch with optifine
#543 opened by teachann - 4
Optifabric not working with Origins.
#544 opened by du0drag0n - 1
Minecraft crashes when trying to launch it?
#556 opened by julianrybarczyk - 0
NoSuchFieldError - "Re-Create Crash"
#557 opened by TheIrishStud - 1
Problem with Replay Mod and OptiFabric
#558 opened by EspenBMA02 - 0
Compatibility with Blur (Fabric) Results in Process exited with code -1
#559 opened by ersamson - 1
#561 opened by abobys2111 - 1
Game boot loops
#560 opened by Crazyplayer364 - 2
same repetitive crash issue
#562 opened by Hekonu - 3
Optifrabric not working with Fabric 0.12.12
#563 opened by Springboks26 - 1
whats going on
#565 opened by your-SecondShadow - 2
Minecraft gets stuck in a loading loop with any version beyond OptiFine HD U H5 pre2
#564 opened by SleepyCatten - 2
#566 opened by sevapplayYT