- 0
#489 opened by XlebuweK1 - 7
Mixin transformation crash 1.18
#491 opened by Solarity991 - 4
Crash 1.18
#490 opened by WolverStones - 2
Origins 1.17 and Optifabric 1.17.1 don't work together.
#495 opened by navisnav - 1
Mixin transformation of net.minecraft.class_6850 failed OptiFabric v1.12.7 w/ 1.18 MC
#492 opened by Maelstromeous - 2
optifabric and fabric api
#493 opened by Turtle418 - 2
Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of net.minecraft.class_340 failed
#494 opened by ash-development - 0
Optifabric 1.12.7 w/ Optifine 1.17.1 G9
#496 opened by Stringer207 - 12
optifine + optifabric + fabric api
#497 opened by CattasaurusRex - 4
Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mixin transformation of net.minecraft.class_6850 failed
#498 opened by KingOfMongeese - 12
Crash when using the OptiFine_1.18_HD_U_H3
#499 opened by CormacZ - 2
mc crashes when clicking options there seems to be a problem crash logs here https://pastebin.com/uYEjtknD
#458 opened by DarkBlox666 - 0
Optifabric is not working
#459 opened by Luccq - 1
Failed to load OptiFine (1.16.5)
#460 opened by CymerFizz - 5
Crash when opening option screen
#461 opened by domanhthang2110 - 4
Error: optifine-mapped.jar
#462 opened by storiofmylife - 1
I am using one more mod besides optifabric, and it looks like it conflicts with it, is it possible to somehow fix this from the optifabric side?
#463 opened by Warrio20 - 1
Minecraft is stuck at 100% when loading any world.
#464 opened by music-cat-bread - 4
OptiFabric not working with Fabric 0.12.5
#465 opened by MajiCoder - 1
Problem launching with Optifine/Optifabic in mod folder
#467 opened by Eroison - 3
Crash: "Tesselating liquid in world"
#468 opened by f1refa11 - 2
Incompatibility with Paradise Lost 1.6.x
#469 opened by Jack-Papel - 0
Loading some resourcepacks causing crash
#470 opened by ItzELECTR0 - 0
mod conflicts
#472 opened by Niogenesis - 1
OpenGL error in chat
#471 opened by realares0414 - 13
Optifabric 1.12.6 does not work with 1.18 snapshots
#473 opened by Dracconis - 4
Fabric with optifine crash
#474 opened by Whispity - 76
1.18 version doesn't work
#476 opened by AndronixESE - 6
1.18 is not working.
#478 opened by backryun - 1
Optifabric 1.12.6 isn't working with 1.18 for me ?
#479 opened by Littledrama2 - 5
Minecraft 1.18 crashes while using Optifabric with fabric-api
#480 opened by Kelpou - 16
Crash when used with carpet in 1.18
#481 opened by Fndream - 1
#482 opened by fftop95 - 1
#483 opened by fftop95 - 2
Crash on start using newest Version 1.12.7
#487 opened by Issacozzman - 2
Optifabric And Optifine 1.16.5
#484 opened by Shobush - 0
OptiFabric Don't work on Fabric with Origins 1.2.0
#488 opened by kodanii - 3
optifabric crash when fabric api is enabled? 1.17.1
#500 opened by nike34 - 1
Issue with most 1.18 mods
#501 opened by Lunatic-Wiz - 3
Optifabric 1.18 error
#502 opened by i240c - 0
#503 opened - 2
jellysquid3's mods don't work with Optifabric (1.17.1)
#504 opened by LennyGG1768 - 11
Optifabric 1.18 Crash
#505 opened by SoundEngineDevelopement - 10
Crashes w/ OptiFine for Minecraft 1.18
#506 opened by harvanchik - 4
Crash with Replay mod 1.18+
#507 opened by Assassinater206 - 3
game crashes when i join a server
#509 opened by Cahseww - 2
this error
#508 opened by Blocks789 - 0
[1.16] Biome, redstone colour issue
#510 opened by SnooComics9452 - 40
Optifabric 1.12.7 issue with Preview OptiFine 1.18.1 HD U H4 pre1
#511 opened by Lou9896 - 2
Optifabric 1.18 crashes
#512 opened by PunchTRK