- 1
book multi block rendering do not support IModelData
#331 opened by timearrow03 - 5
"smelting" page show only text
#332 opened by timearrow03 - 0
[REQUEST] Modder API Support for Dynamically Adding Entry to Book
#333 opened by oitsjustjose - 3
Regression in item component parsing
#334 opened by Hubry - 0
Multiline links spread to the next page instead of staying on their own
#336 opened by aaronhowser1 - 3
Itemstack component frame misaligned
#337 opened by Hekera - 2
[1.15.2] Crash shortly after starting new world
#338 opened by Schadrach - 2
1.16.4 Forge Patchouli into Eclipse IDE fails injection on world load
#339 opened by Wabbit0101 - 2
[Request] Ingredient Template Component
#340 opened by baileyholl - 1
Endless Fatal errors when joining Server
#341 opened by McAlister3 - 2
Failing to apply ClientAdvancementManager mixin
#342 opened by Terminator-ng - 2
Patchouli is expensive when it comes to load time.
#343 opened by BastionNtB - 3
Book not reverting to default language when a world is loaded in another locale than english
#346 opened by toktoktheeo - 1
Minecraft crashes on mod loader
#344 opened by Sirhobo33 - 6
Cannot open Patchouli books when in another player's claimed zone (FTB Chunks) [1.16]
#345 opened by wrincewind - 9
(1.12) Hiding an achievement via Triumph doesn't allow it to be used with Patchouli
#347 opened by CalaMariGold - 4
[SUGGESTION] Translateable "1st" "2nd" and more?
#348 opened by Blueberryy - 1
I started to get this error, not able to join the game
#351 opened by YejiYeah - 0
Allow null to mean no sounds.
#352 opened by VT-14 - 0
[Suggestion] Allow multiple creative tabs
#353 opened by Da-Technomancer - 1
how do you get the book
#354 opened by zack12341328 - 9
Unable to load book via datapack
#355 opened by ChromaPIE - 4
Book won’t open at all
#356 opened by AlexCaco6 - 1
Can Patchouli Books Files Be Translated By ResourcePacks?
#358 opened by 1478599553 - 1
Add issues and homepage tag in the fabric.mod.json
#359 opened by K0-RR - 1
Crash when i try to run this with age of exile mod
#360 opened by SamKotBrown - 1
Books appear to break when a recipe they show is changed or deleted via KubeJS
#361 opened by truenachtara - 1
I cannot craft the guide book to Simple Planes mod.
#362 opened by Cpexxx - 4
I can't seem to join my server with Patchouli's installed
#363 opened by DeinoWasHere - 2
"smelting" type not working for most modded items
#364 opened by KajesLorian - 1
Patchouli causes Minecraft to crash on startup
#365 opened by Katoteshiku - 3
New to json editing
#366 opened by razer1989-tech - 0
Hiding page 1 of an entry hides the title
#367 opened by Hubry - 1
Can't close any patchouli book with the inventory key (E)
#369 opened by LeoBeliik - 4
Enable BuildCraft PEPO
#368 opened by ErythroCraft - 2
Crash on server login
#372 opened by Tralomine - 2
Fluids do not show in multiblocks 1.16
#373 opened by lublak - 5
shift right clicking onion crop with Patchouli book from "Crock Pot" mod causes crash
#374 opened by ianm1647 - 2
Mod not working with official mappings
#375 opened by henkelmax - 5
Image scaling is wrong
#376 opened by agentwolf88 - 1
spotlight chiselsandbits
#377 opened by lublak - 0
Keybind tooltips shows keycode translation key
#378 opened by thiakil - 2
[1.16.5] Mixin issue in Dev
#379 opened by AzureDoom - 1
Clicking on links through pages
#380 opened - 0
Missing License?
#381 opened by oliwoli - 0
boat with Passengers nbt not rendering Passengers
#382 opened by lublak - 1
WARN from server
#383 opened by axalox - 7
Unlocking a chapter via achievement on a server requires a relog to unlock
#384 opened by CalaMariGold - 1
Patchouli item as an item in my item registry class
#385 opened by pugpoggg - 2
Add support for brewing recipes
#386 opened by williewillus