- 7
Fabric's built-in datapack priority issue
#5 opened by alexmozaidze - 0
server crashes while starting (quilt 1.20.1)
#20 opened by Specimen-420 - 2
[BUG] Resourcepack_load_order.json and in-game load orders are not the same
#21 opened by JENOVAAbsolute - 2
[Forge 1.16.5] Some datapacks load after paxi anyway
#6 opened by Kaleidio - 1
Any chance of 1.19 support soon for fabric or at all?
#8 opened by TheFantasticLoki - 2
Feature Request: Resource pack load order
#9 opened by yungnickyoung - 0
Feature Request: Option to Initially Load Datapacks as Unselected/Available
#10 opened by xx-underxcores-xx - 1
Feature request: add support for serverconfig folder
#11 opened by gobletm - 9
Load Order Formatting
#12 opened by gamerpotion - 1
cant find paxi file
#13 opened by Nathanos2256 - 2
Feature Request: Remove Paxi Text
#14 opened by Parkanizor - 1
Mod breaks tooltip line.
#15 opened by KostromDan - 3
Feature Request: Load Combined Data/Resource packs
#18 opened by Dan-Mizu - 5
[Suggestion] Update for 1.19.3/4 and 1.20.X?
#16 opened by mpustovoi - 2
[Question] Do player loaded packs override packs loaded via Paxi, or is it the other way around?
#17 opened by StormDragon-64 - 1
1.19.2 Mods Loading after Paxi?
#19 opened by Wolfstar1010 - 0
Feature Request: Support for sorting external mods' resources
#22 opened by KateReller - 5
This mod causes problems with the mapping of some resourcepacks.
#23 opened by tp1415926535 - 1
Changelog shows Introducing NeoForge support!
#25 opened by ModernGamingWorld - 7
It cannot adjust the resource pack order in Fabric 1.20.1
#26 opened by Huantanhua - 0
Feature Request: Support for Built-In Resource Packs
#27 opened by Fyoncle - 1
resource packs folder doesn't get created on server...
#28 opened by WEUDE - 3
[1.21] Paxi prevents any Resource Pack from modifying modded GUIs
#30 opened by muon-rw - 3
[1.21] [Fabric] Weird interaction between Sodium and Paxi forcing leaves to use Programmer Art textures
#31 opened by NoMoreStars - 1
[Help wanted] How the hell do I define the programmer art?
#32 opened by Cixon - 22
Feature Request: Config option for specifying other directories from which data/resource packs can be loaded
#33 opened by yungnickyoung - 2
Does /reload work for datapacks in the paxi folder?
#34 opened by Ricenami - 2
My custom datapack is not recognised by Paxi
#35 opened by DarthCaesium - 0
[Feature Request] Allow disabling datapacks from the menus
#36 opened by alexmozaidze - 1
#37 opened by 7yudinglaopin8 - 1
#38 opened by 7yudinglaopin8 - 4
Consider a rename
#1 opened by DerpyChap - 1
[SUGGESTION] Resource pack support
#2 opened by Sunconure11 - 4
Datapack folder not loading
#4 opened by SylisMC