- 0
Item Frame Mode?
#16 opened by BlueAgent - 1
[Feature Request] Allow plonk block to have loot tables
#17 opened by TBiscuit1 - 0
Can't bind on mouse key
#18 opened by reserveword - 1
It is suggested to add config. It is forbidden to right-click to pick up items on the wall in the "adventure" game mode.
#19 opened by GalaxyZEROX - 3
Crash report when putting two items together (modpack)
#1 opened by k1r0s - 4
[1.12.2] Black screen when stepping inside plonk rendered items
#2 opened by Landiie - 1
Third person camera collides with block
#3 opened by BlueAgent - 3
[Feature Request] config to control how many number of unique blocks can be placed in the four quadrants
#4 opened by Landiie - 1
Lighting is inconsistent with world
#5 opened by BlueAgent - 1
Translucent items not rendering in proper order
#6 opened by BlueAgent - 4
Conduits, beds, banners and shields render strangely
#7 opened by k1r0s - 3
Enderman crashes server when teleporting to plonk items
#8 opened by Khazoda - 4
Investigate dupe bug in someone else's claims
#9 opened by BlueAgent - 11
Rotate items upwards
#10 opened by BlueAgent - 0
Disguise plonked items
#11 opened by BlueAgent - 0
Redstone support
#12 opened by BlueAgent - 2
You can Plonk entities that you are holding with CarryOn
#13 opened by Alexander3847575 - 9
Cant rotate individual items in already existing world
#14 opened by agr21 - 3
[1.16.5 Forge 36.1.16] Crash on placing items, maybe caused by incompat with Adventure Tools
#15 opened by ChromaPIE