- 0
Rings are uncraftable using certain items
#14 opened by JonJonsonsSon - 0
Rings doesn't work in "bring me the rings" ring slots
#15 opened by Blue-Beaker - 1
perma effects when swapping rings
#16 opened by Shivaxi - 0
[Request] 1.14 or 1.15 update to Curios API
#18 opened by Erfurt92 - 0
Crafttweaker help?
#19 opened by ggezgaming - 1
#4 opened by D3nnis3n - 0
"Potion" ring
#6 opened by Thyriel - 1
#7 opened by Thyriel - 4
[Crash Report] NoClassDefFound Exception
#2 opened by Desempregago - 0
[Crash Report] NoClassDefFound Exception
#1 opened by Desempregago - 1
Crash Report
#3 opened by DSLM - 1
Suggestion: allow a single ring to give more than 1 level of an effect
#8 opened by Partonetrain - 1
Potion effects not properly being removed
#9 opened by dtwillson - 0
[Request] Combining rings
#10 opened by chimericdream - 0
Add and modifications please!
#12 opened by WaxenSs