Potion Swords

Potion Swords


A simple mod that adds enchantments for weapons that give the target a negative status effect. Requires the Fabric API.

I am not going to make a Forge port. Please don't ask.

Potion Swords adds 8 enchantments to Minecraft:

Frost, which gives the target Slowness

Helium, which gives the target Levitation

Sickness, which gives the target Hunger and Nausea

Dulling Touch, which gives the target Mining Fatigue

Wither Touch, which gives the target Wither, similar to a wither skeleton

Poison Touch, which gives the target Poison

Blindness Touch, which gives the target Blindness

Last but but not least: Weakness Touch which gives the target Weakness

Each of these enchantments have one level and are incompatible with Sharpness, Fire Aspect,
Smite, Knockback and Bane of Arthropods. This is to prevent people from making super op swords.
These enchantments can be obtained at any level in the Enchanting Table.


Just me. Thanks for using the mod!