Potion Swords

Potion Swords


Potion Swords

A simple mod that adds enchantments for weapons that inflict Minecraft's negative status effects.

So what exactly does this mod do?

Right now Potion Swords adds 8 enchantments to Minecraft:

Helium, which gives the target Levitation

Sickness, which gives the target Hunger and Nausea

Dulling Touch, which gives the target Mining Fatigue

Wither Touch, which gives the target Wither; similar to a wither skeleton

Poison Touch, which gives the target Poison

Blindness Touch, which gives the target Blindness

Slowness Touch, which gives the target Slowness

Weakness Touch which gives the target Weakness

Each of these enchantments have one level and are incompatible with Sharpness, Fire Aspect, Smite, Knockback and Bane of Arthropods. This is to prevent people from making super op swords. These enchantments can be obtained at any level in the Enchanting Table.

How can I dowload this?

Option 1: You can Download the mod from Curseforge. Option 2: Go to releases and download the latest release.

How can I help?

There isn't any one thing I need, but if you want to contribue feel free to fork the project and submit a pull request.

Why are some your commit descriptions emojis?

For the sake of clarity and brevity I used to use gitmoji in my commit descreptions. You can find a key to what they mean here.

Future Goals/Plans for this mod

I will update the mod to the next releases of 1.18 when they come out,and a Modrinth page is coming soon.

Minecraft Versions supported: 1.18.2 Minecraft Versions available but no longer recieving updates: 1.16.5, 1.17.1