- 1
[1.14.4] Crash issue with OpenJDK
#119 opened by AzureDoom - 1
#120 opened by Brian-Wuest - 2
Update message when un-breakable blocks are found
#121 opened by Brian-Wuest - 3
Subaquatic Style house bit annoying to enter.
#123 opened by tobi-polar - 6
Basic House hasn't got a crafting table
#124 opened by tobi-polar - 2
[1.15.2] Client crash when placing a house. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/util/Pair at com.wuest.prefab.Structures.Gui.GuiStartHouseChooser.
#125 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
Starter house chest contents not loading
#126 opened by niceassassin - 7
crashes on 1.15.2 upon clicking floor with prefab in hand
#127 opened by Seegras - 2
Buildings wont build
#128 opened by davidml1023 - 2
[1.15.2] Feature request- config option to disable drops from bulldozer.
#129 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
Allow bed color to be configured for structures
#130 opened by Brian-Wuest - 10
Failure to initialize crash
#132 opened by Lordbaane - 6
[1.15.2]The glass staircase is not transparent
#133 opened by EnterFor - 4
Preview Doesn't Render
#134 opened by WenXin20 - 1
**Bug** Minecraft Version: 1.12.2, Forge Version:, Mod Version: NoSuchMethodError
#135 opened by ReallySadWolf - 5
Enhancemen idea for 1.15
#136 opened by IchigoGames - 2
Bug config option for starting with homes not working.
#137 opened by IchigoGames - 2
[1.12.2] Extreme lag when placing down certain structures
#139 opened by aaronhowser1 - 6
Critical Error when filling chests with Repurpose installed.
#138 opened by brisingraerowing - 3
Feature Request: Disabling Starter Item.
#140 opened by AzureDoom - 3
Crash when using starter house prefab
#141 opened by CubicBerserker - 1
[1.15.2] Crash on using starter house item
#142 opened by lamoyrl90 - 3
Preview Crash
#143 opened by AzureDoom - 5
Infested bricks in basic starting house
#144 opened by WindFox - 0
Update recipes which require chests to use forge tag
#145 opened by Brian-Wuest - 2
#146 opened by ekoman93 - 3
Cant configure anything
#147 opened by VampireGod25 - 5
#148 opened by BedrockLegends - 3
Moderate House issues
#149 opened by BedrockLegends - 2
Preview Crash w/ CTM Mod
#150 opened by WenXin20 - 1
Prefab: Boundaries and Stair Rotation/Two Questions in One
#151 opened by AlyssaNodecraft - 1
[1.16.4] Greenhouse Missing 2 slabs
#156 opened by TwilightPSN - 0
Add a "Creative Only" Bulldozer item
#157 opened by Brian-Wuest - 2
[1.12.2] End portal prefab places blocks players and ops can't get rid of.
#158 opened by ProsperCraft - 15
Unable to spawn a structure.
#160 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 10
Build right after Preview?
#161 opened by khdhhde21 - 2
1.16.5 - Prefab Datapack Error.
#162 opened by SirOMGitsYOU - 2
monster masher bug
#163 opened by oli0076 - 15
You spawn with a Starting House even when the config is set to Nothing
#164 opened by aaronhowser1 - 4
Wither rose in nether gate can cause balancing issues
#165 opened by ThugPug43 - 5
Infinite Houses [] version
#166 opened by Hir0shiyt - 4
Not sure why this is happening
#167 opened by ModernGamingWorld - 5
[Enhancement] Workshop house (Moderate house) includes too much for the cost compared to other options from the same Moderate house tier
#168 opened by Electrofried - 8
Figure out how to get configs to load correctly for new worlds
#169 opened by Brian-Wuest - 1
Item Frames in Workshop and Saloon pop off when generated in certain directions
#170 opened by Brian-Wuest - 10
Fish Pond recipe is out of date maybe?
#171 opened by Joyful-Attic - 0
Tech Dept Finally add a Configuration Screen
#172 opened by Brian-Wuest - 10
Overlapping text
#176 opened by Dqu1J - 2
Enhancement Add Schematics to Create proper Structures
#179 opened by Switch-Back18 - 1
**Bug** prefabs turning into advanced chicken coop
#182 opened by benreckless223