- 0
Server crash - clientside code on the server side.
#11 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
Crash on Start-Up
#12 opened by Coldjojo - 2
[1.12.2] Server Crash related to wrong Obsidian Animator dependency on Curseforge
#13 opened by JoelZBub - 0
Tupandactylus animation still showing sitting while flying
#15 opened by jelaw21 - 0
help me
#16 opened by FixThedammBug - 1
license issues
#17 opened by jasonisop - 4
Title seems to become unresponsive.
#1 opened by Israphelite - 4
No spawns with CustomMobSpawner
#2 opened by V10lator - 1
T rex invisible
#3 opened by Conquerorelmas - 2
Animals sea
#4 opened by Conquerorelmas - 1
Crash on server
#5 opened by jaz000 - 2
Tupandactylus flying anim broken
#6 opened by prohitman - 2
T-Rex Run anim replaces Idle anim
#7 opened by enzo7098631 - 1
Sit Animation Not Working
#8 opened by Geometrically - 1
Game crashing (cancelled)
#10 opened by LePoke