- 5
Uraninite Recipes Removed
#621 opened by no-name-provided - 0
[Suggestion] Add two storage components
#620 opened by lmn563 - 1
[suggestion] Match the wood for the Beekeeper trades
#619 opened by Nideau - 3
No progress when breeding lapis bee in Breediing Chamber
#618 opened by BottledDew - 1
Ambered Wither Drops Apotheosis Gems
#617 opened by loootz1 - 2
Bug ATM10: Productivebees tickserver
#616 opened by darkshadow1809 - 2
missing item tag
#615 opened by ApexSlayer1 - 0
Crash on catching bees when the catcher is full
#614 opened by michael-hart - 2
Crash on Feature placement
#613 opened - 2
Christmas Render Crash GeckoBeeRenderer
#612 opened by phit - 0
Some models dont fit inside the amber block
#611 opened - 1
Fix Gene Purity Filtering in version 1.21.1
#610 opened by Vortiporius - 1
- 6
Cannot make custom bees to work
#608 opened by BitDanee - 0
(BUG) Centrifuge Instantly Processes Combs that are Shift Clicked into it.
#607 opened by ArtpokeBr - 0
(BUG) Honey Generator doesn't consume Honey Bottles.
#606 opened by ArtpokeBr - 6
[BUG] NEO 1.21.1 Crash - Exception while adding particle - 13.6.6
#605 opened by Soforak - 0
Nest tooltips
#604 opened by Gaz492 - 0
#603 opened by no-name-provided - 2
Squishing bees kicks you. Packet issues!
#602 opened by Christofferzz - 0
suggestion: add a bee for xycraft
#601 opened by RIExJonny - 1
[Suggestion] Add compatibility for Honey bee's from Grimoire of Gaia.
#600 opened by border999 - 34
chunk errors
#599 opened by VaporeonScripts - 0
geo model file with improper file name format
#598 opened by bookerthegeek - 1
bees or nests do not spawn (neoforge 1.21.1 .79)
#597 opened by VaporeonScripts - 0
[1.21.1] Bees won't enter Advanced Hives
#595 opened by Skaphegor - 3
[ATM10] Vanilla Bee Duplication
#594 opened by kaitosmi - 10
Everything seems to be broken.
#593 opened by z124370-Bart-Westerink - 3
:[Bug]: Crash when bee is placed in a spawner
#592 opened by manmaed - 0
Several Issues + Suggestions - Inventory Logic + Item Transfer Lag, Centrifuge Issues, some bee issues.
#591 opened by TheGameAce - 4
[Suggestion]: Add a fourth tier of centrifuge
#590 opened by MarwenX3M - 0
[Crash] Mod Interaction causes crash
#589 opened by BrettMoan - 1
[ATM10] Honey Generator doesn't consume honey
#588 opened by peyau - 8
Using a crafted spawnegg crashes the game
#586 opened by SgtMorrigahnGaming - 7
[Bug] Bees refusing to accept hive location
#585 opened by CookieStacks - 1
Having trouble with adding a "Star Bee" for nether stars.
#584 opened by loganlqb - 0
BaBee Incubator for Bee Egg stopped working.
#583 opened by Redflame18 - 1
Log spam from ProductiveLib
#581 opened by Quinteger - 10
forbidden and arcanus recype sinc problem with new arcanus update
#580 opened by VaporeonScripts - 3
[1.21.1] Error with latest mod version, connection lost world does not load.
#579 opened by Periam - 1
config key collision on BeeAttributes
#577 opened by HalcyonSuoh - 4
"Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading You can either try to load it with only the vanilla datapack ("safe mode"), or go back to title screen and fix it manually"
#576 opened by ZombieSmile0 - 2
Honey Bottle in the Honey Generator creates Infinite Energy.
#575 opened by dba9514 - 2
Multiple expansion hive crashes the game
#574 opened by VoidTest - 1
NeoForge 1.21.1 - Sturdy Bee Cage + Book recipe is broken
#573 opened by dainekoichi - 29
unable to get the guide book
#572 opened by VaporeonScripts - 0
1.21.1-13.5.2 some item tags are not loadable, missing references
#571 opened by reddi1 - 1
Neoforge 1.21.1 ATM 10 pack (altered and added to)
#570 opened by Trogdayton - 2
[1.21.1-13.5.1] Comb Blocks not accepted in centrifuge
#569 opened by srob650 - 3
Incorrect chance output for bee spawn egg recipe for GTCEu Modern
#566 opened by Bosspc1234