ProjectE Integration adds support for custom conversions and has mappers to automatically add conversions for all supported mods!
What this means is that supported mods (I.E: EnderIO) will have their recipes (I.E: Soul Binder) collected and turned into some variables that ProjectE can make a conversion from!
Report issues or suggestions on Github here otherwise I might not see them.
Anything else, contact me on discord: TagnumElite#9339 or here.
This mod was inspired by Expanded Equivalence and was started because I tried to work on Expanded Equivalence by decided it would be better to make a separate mod that does everything without Core Modding.
Issues and Suggestions must be made on the GitHub Repo Issue tracker.
Comments have been renabled, I will check in here from time to time but don't expect any support.
I don't really care unless used for malicious purposes then I will request it to be removed.
Redistribution is forbidden unless used for modpacks by Curseforge/ATLauncher/Technic/Feed The Beast.