- 1
Chipped Incompatibility
#114 opened by jaeggr - 1
Mana & Artifice Mod Support for 1.19.*/1.20.*
#113 opened by isaacrules2010 - 2
All EMC values removed on server side but on client single player world EMC values are there
#96 opened by Andromeda45 - 1
CTD (Forge version incompatibility?)
#97 opened by AngleWyrm10 - 0
mod list of 1.16 and 1.18 unavailable
#98 opened by Mathieucoco37 - 1
Mekanism integration
#101 opened by wojtostant - 1
Support for Occultism
#103 opened by Goshujinsama - 0
farming for block heads server incompatibility (missing emc)
#102 opened by Jupitor87 - 2
Hackmd's 1.20 mod list cannot be viewed. Please return it normal :)
#104 opened by EnderOre - 0
[1.18.2] Items that required Draconic Evolution fusion crafting do not have EMC values.
#105 opened by AALUND13 - 1
Add GregTech
#106 opened by fusionmc-evilscoop - 2
add some configs
#108 opened by gjmhmm8 - 3
Get recipes from kubejs and mapping the emc
#107 opened by gjmhmm8 - 1
Vault Hunters 1.18.2 / Chipped version causing crash on start up
#109 opened by LoRdCoBrA59 - 0
some item can't set emc correctly
#110 opened by gjmhmm8 - 0
tag compatible
#111 opened by gjmhmm8 - 1
Where did the Create compat go in 1.20?
#112 opened by ChaosDogG - 3
#115 opened by DJDorcFich - 4
Crash on server startup with last update
#76 opened by xenogray - 2
Compatibility for the Megaman Armor Mod
#74 opened by Collecter128 - 4
Compatibility with Ice and Fire broke with latest version
#75 opened by xenogray - 0
Oh the Biomes You'll Go Compatibility
#78 opened by Zcey1 - 0
No EMC values
#77 opened by PedroMLV - 9
Create mod v0.5.1b 1.18.2 makes the ProjectE mod not work when PEI is installed.
#79 opened by BerndnixBrot - 1
[1.18.2] Draconic Evolution Fusion Crafting support
#81 opened by YourlordAdam - 3
All EMC values for items are removed
#82 opened by Github-User4769 - 1
1.19.2 - Farming For Blockheads errors out EMC mapping on servers
#83 opened by SephirothWS - 0
Twilight Forest integration
#85 opened by Amane-Misaki - 2
Avaritia(1.2x or Reforged)Error calculating EMC values
#86 opened by BossOfKillers - 0
Create Error calculating EMC values
#87 opened by Alarak-Alex - 5
Mod deletes all items EMC values, and I cannot insert an item into the transmutation table
#92 opened by Hithere21 - 2
I can't create mana powder
#93 opened by 12iua - 1
Mana and Artifice v2 removes all EMC values
#94 opened by BlakeIsMyWaifu - 2
idk if you are working on this add Support for the hbm nt mod 1.12.2 it is a some what of a big mod
#95 opened by madcan1 - 0
Add a
#124 opened by gjmhmm8 - 0
Add a kubejs convert api and setemc api for projecte
#125 opened by gjmhmm8 - 1
Missing EMC values for Botania in 1.20.1
#127 opened by xenogray - 0
Add support for GregTechCEu Modern 1.20
#131 opened by goldeyegold - 1
because projectE is create incompatible so please add create compat if u can
#132 opened by ExpertFaun11492 - 0
Some EMC Value are Absent in Vanilla Minecraft
#133 opened by SirBl1zz4rd - 0
#134 opened by gjmhmm8 - 0
Fuel emc and dark matter missing
#135 opened by vezariel - 1
Draconic Evolution 1.20.1
#136 opened by dagantang - 0
Certain things missing EMC and certain things worth far too much EMC
#137 opened by GeminiSquishGames - 6
Immersive Engineering mapper bug
#138 opened by yeeticus777 - 6
Error on startup
#139 opened by festro - 0
Mystical Agriculture Essence Calculation is High
#140 opened by Ssheph95 - 0
Give all item an default EMC
#142 opened by ldoxvje - 2
Cant Generate new worlds while mod is on {1.12.2}
#141 opened by MaxMaker12 - 0
Add support for NuclearCraft: Neoteric.
#143 opened by jusitnboggs