All EMC values removed on server side but on client single player world EMC values are there
Andromeda45 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
- I am running the latest version
- I have made sure there is no duplicate issue
- MC Version: 1.19.2
- Modpack: All The Mods 8 Version 1.0.28
- Mod Version: 6.3.3
I have a hosted server for All The Mods 8 that has ProjectE version 1.0.1B, ProjectExtended version 1.4.0, TeamProjectE version 1.1.1, and ProjectE Integration version 6.3.3 added to it. When I'm on the server the EMC values are gone and I can't interact with the transmutation table at all, On a single player world client side the EMC values are there and the transmutation table works.
Expected behavior
EMC Values should be on Vanilla items and the items for mods in supported list on ProjectE Integration Website on the server.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Download All The Mods 8 from CurseForge.
- Download All The Mods 8 server files from Curseforge as well
- Download attached zip file and add mods to the modpack and server files
- Join server
- Try to find EMC values in tooltips and try to interact with transmutation table
- Create a world client side and repeat step 5
This is also happening in MC version 1.20.1, Forge version: 47.2.18 with ProjectE version: 1.20.1-PE1.0.1 and PEI version 1.20.1-7.1.0 again server side only, the single player world works perfectly. The unfortunately means I have to remove it for now since it completely shuts down EMC, and makes ProjectE unusable.