- 2
Request Support for: Ex Nihilo: Sequentia, Minecolonies, Tinker's Construct (1.16 alpha version).
#40 opened by masternetra - 3
[1.16.5]Some compat not working
#35 opened by ASUT0R0 - 4
Ice & Fire support?
#37 opened by festro - 7
EMC not showing or working after uploading ProjectE Integration onto my server
#39 opened by neincyka - 1
bug emc
#38 opened by laboriens - 0
Gregtech CE Unoffical Mapper Errors
#41 opened by adamcirillo - 2
Error Calculating EMC with Compact Crafting Installed
#42 opened by ThisisCanada98 - 2
[Request] Industrial Foregoing support.
#43 opened by SSkizz - 9
Compat for MrCrayfish Vehicles and Mana and Artifice
#44 opened by ChaosDogG - 2
Crash on entering main menu
#45 opened by ChromaPIE - 0
Game not loading with Nuclearcraft:Overhauled
#46 opened by lerokko - 1
Farmer's Delight module crashing ProjectE -- no EMC values
#47 opened by rainbowskydancer - 2
[Suggestion] Compat for Thermal Series
#48 opened by ASUT0R0 - 1
PneumaticCraft Integration Disables EMC
#49 opened by rallias - 1
Create Integration Breaks EMC
#50 opened by rallias - 1
Is Ars Nouveau support on yours scope?
#54 opened by N00b14nL00z3r - 3
Linkage with Endless
#51 opened by mango-buff - 1
Support for the Chipped mod
#53 opened by oliverrook - 1
Blue Skies
#55 opened by gruniu8 - 4
(1.12.2) HBM's Nuclear Tech Mod Reloaded Compatibility
#56 opened by LazyKitch - 1
(1.18.2-Latest) Game Breaking Issues With Chipped
#57 opened by PhweeDev - 3
It is recommended to convert EMC through JEI compatible with most mods
#58 opened by gjmhmm8 - 1
Compat for some mods
#60 opened by gjmhmm8 - 4
New Alchemistry update breaks all emc values
#61 opened by 100chilly - 2
Support for IC2 Classic.
#67 opened by jusitnboggs - 1
Missing EMC Values
#68 opened by PrismaticCodex - 1
Cant access the supported mods list, it says i dont have permission to view
#69 opened by pwnr227 - 4
Chipped got broken again
#70 opened by oliverrook - 0
no emc on server load both self hosted and dedicated server
#71 opened by SDUBZ - 3
no emc on server load both self hosted and dedicated server[FarmingForBlockheads]
#72 opened by SDUBZ - 0
Artisan Worktable support
#15 opened by TheNimbleNinja - 2
Chisel support
#16 opened by pupnewfster - 3
Mekanism Infusion Support Broken
#17 opened by pupnewfster - 3
Modular Machines Support
#18 opened by TheNimbleNinja - 7
Mapper is no longer working for NuclearCraft
#19 opened by jusitnboggs - 4
Mapper Guide?
#20 opened by PitchBlackLaser - 3
Seperate Ores and Dusts
#21 opened by PitchBlackLaser - 1
Advanced Rocketry Support
#22 opened by jusitnboggs - 2
Extendedcrafts compressor recipe
#23 opened by TheNimbleNinja - 1
#24 opened by GLAScorpion - 1
GregTech Community Edition Support
#25 opened by lstanden - 3
Galacticraft support
#26 opened by NicosaurusRex99 - 0
Not Adding Emc Values
#27 opened by adamcirillo - 2
Doesnt Work with the new Nuclear Craft Overhauled Versions
#28 opened by RainbowTabitha - 0
[Suggestion] Support for Twilight Forest
#29 opened by llloyd4 - 1
Split vis crystals into all the different ones
#30 opened by Louis2747 - 1
Newest version doesn't want to load with Nuclearcraft Overhauled
#31 opened by DMNerd - 0
please add support for security craft
#32 opened by Bomnrc - 1
Project Ozone 3 EMC values not added
#33 opened by tylerbobs - 1
Mekanism problems
#34 opened by justintyang