Support for Expanded Equivalence support mods, Charset, Mekansim and TConstruct
pupnewfster opened this issue ยท 2 comments
It would be nice to be able to switch from expanded equivalence to this. The biggest issue is that some of the mods that I use are not yet supported.
Are you planning on adding support to all the mods that Expanded Equivalence supports (including the ones I didn't even bother listing as I don't use), or not.
Actually Additions
Applied Energistics 2
Astral Sorcery
Compact Machines
Draconic Evolution
Ender IO
Immersive Engineering
Industrial Craft
Mystical Agriculture
RebornCore (Tech Reborn)
Thermal Expansion
BuildcraftSkipping this for now!
It also would be interesting to see support for these mods.
- Charset/Complex Logic (they have their recipes in their own class so it can't be parsed by ProjectE (even though they are more or less normal crafting recipes))
- Mekanism (I know the NBT stuff isn't possible but at least having the machines supported so it knows how to factor in the stuff for alloys)
- Tinkers Construct alloying
I am planning to add all support from Expanded Equivalence. I had Mekanism on my radar as well.
Tinkers Construct will be interesting as I don't know how the Fluids work in ProjectE.
Charset/Complex Logic I have never used, but I should be able to add support for.
If I remember correctly fluids do have an EMC value or at least there are tests for it.
(And it is sort of manageable via the custom conversions files and using FAKE|
. So even if it has to be more faked, it is possible with tinkers to get how much a material melts down into, (put that into the "emc value" and then have a mapper for the alloy recipes, and then again from what that can be "cast" into in the casting table/basin.