ProjectE Integration

ProjectE Integration


Support for Expanded Equivalence support mods, Charset, Mekansim and TConstruct

pupnewfster opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It would be nice to be able to switch from expanded equivalence to this. The biggest issue is that some of the mods that I use are not yet supported.

Are you planning on adding support to all the mods that Expanded Equivalence supports (including the ones I didn't even bother listing as I don't use), or not.


  • Actually Additions

  • Applied Energistics 2

  • Astral Sorcery

  • Avaritia

  • Botania

  • Compact Machines

  • Draconic Evolution

  • Embers

  • Ender IO

  • Forestry

  • Immersive Engineering

  • Industrial Craft

  • Mystical Agriculture

  • RebornCore (Tech Reborn)

  • Thaumcraft

  • Thermal Expansion

  • Buildcraft Skipping this for now!

It also would be interesting to see support for these mods.


  • Charset/Complex Logic (they have their recipes in their own class so it can't be parsed by ProjectE (even though they are more or less normal crafting recipes))
  • Mekanism (I know the NBT stuff isn't possible but at least having the machines supported so it knows how to factor in the stuff for alloys)
  • Tinkers Construct alloying

I am planning to add all support from Expanded Equivalence. I had Mekanism on my radar as well.

Tinkers Construct will be interesting as I don't know how the Fluids work in ProjectE.
Charset/Complex Logic I have never used, but I should be able to add support for.


If I remember correctly fluids do have an EMC value or at least there are tests for it.

(And it is sort of manageable via the custom conversions files and using FAKE|. So even if it has to be more faked, it is possible with tinkers to get how much a material melts down into, (put that into the "emc value" and then have a mapper for the alloy recipes, and then again from what that can be "cast" into in the casting table/basin.