- 1
Stood on a Prismarine truffle while breaking it and crashed.
#10 opened by JackRuby1 - 1
[Request] NBT support for input and output items.
#12 opened by Dragnier - 3
Soul Sand Hog Not Moving?
#13 opened by DeanAyalon - 3
wrong items coming from hog
#14 opened by ExploringAussie - 2
Buckets are not consumed
#15 opened by Nboopsie - 1
A command to reload config files
#18 opened by cagox - 3
An error
#19 opened by Reat2 - 1
Astral Sorcery Bootes Ritual Does Not Cause Bacon to Drop
#20 opened by whatamike - 5
[Suggestion] Allow breeding resource hogs
#4 opened by ComplainingSkelzie - 2
Crash on startup
#1 opened by DWX12 - 3
Only spawn egg in mod, which doesn't work.
#2 opened by DWX12 - 1
[Suggestion] Mod compatability/integration with Biomes O Plenty
#3 opened by DWX12 - 1
Allow OreDictionary Resources to Cycle Through on Recipe Page
#7 opened by Darkosto - 0
Feature Request: Show Soil Types in Tooltips
#8 opened by Darkosto - 1
Resource Type on Tooltips?
#9 opened by Darkosto