SaltyMod Expanded
Hey there, I'm DarkBum and today I'm introducing to you a little expansion I made for the SaltyMod, originally created by the user liahim85, who has given me permission to upload this expansion here.
A while ago I was on the lookout for a mod that expands upon the (not so) numerous Food Items in 1.7.10, and I stumbled upon this lovely mod. Please do check it out, even though, at the moment, it is not needed for this Expansion to work, which is not intended to be permanent!
Since 2018, the 1.7.10 modding community has been very active, with huge backporting mods like Et Futurum Requiem and Netherlicious being created, so in a fashion staying true to Liahim's mod, I wanted to expand upon it.
Blocks added by the original SaltyMod [New Textures from the 1.15 version of the SaltyMod or from me]:
Salt Ore
Salt Crystal
Salt Lake Bottom
Saline Soil
Mineral Mud
Salt Blocks
Salt Slabs
Salt Stairs
Salt Lamp
Items added by the original SaltyMod [New Textures from the 1.15 version of the SaltyMod or from me]
Mineral Mud
Baking Soda
Powdered Milk
Pinch of Salt
Tough Jelly
Fuzzy Drink
Salty Meats
Salty Baked Potato
Salty Fish
Corned Beef
Salty Bread
Soft-boiled Egg
Salty Mushroom Stew
Pumpkin Porridge
(Salty) Stewed Vegetables
(Salty) Potato with Mushroom
(Salty) Fish Soups
(Salty) Dandelion Salad
(Salty) Wheat Sprouts
Saltwort Salad
Meats with Saltwort
Fruit Salad
Grated Carrot
Numerous Pies
Fermented Saltwort
Pickled Mushroom/Fern
Salt Star
Mud Mask Armor
Other Features:
Dried Salt Lakes
Underground Salt Farms
More information on these features is found on the original mod page.
Backport Update:
This update attempts to backport the food items that were added in versions after 1.7.10, using the large backport mod Et Futurum Requiem as reference for items like Mutton, Rabbit, Beetroot and Sweet Berries
Salty Cooked Mutton
Salty Cooked Rabbot
Salty Beetroot
Salty Rabbit Stew
Salty Beetroot Soup
Cooked Mutton with Saltwort
Expansion Update:
This update expanded upon the food items, creating compatibility for other mods, like Netherlicious or my own private mod which hasn't been published
Testing Foods
Salty Strider Steak
Salty Cooked Haunch
Salty Cooked Tropical Fish
Salty Calamari
Salty Pumpkin Porridge
(Salty) Cactus Soup
(Salty) Tropical Fish Soup
Cooked Haunch with Saltwort
Tropical Fish Pie
Calamari Pie
Shepherd's Pie
Pickled Calamari
Pickled Onion
If you want to play with the recipes made from Cooked Haunch, Cooked Tropical Fish and Cooked Calamari, you will have to ask me in a Private Message. CurseForge seems to have a problem with me uploading my mod, but if you ask me, I can tell you what my mod adds and give it to you :)
Sweetness Update:
This update opens up a whole new branch of spicing up food: Sugar, Honey & Chocolate! For now, recipes that use honey will use the HarvestCraft honeycombs, but if you want other mods referenced, just write a comment and I might add it :)
Pinch of Sugar
Sugary Fruit Salad
Sugary Grated Carrot
(Sugary) Melon Soup
Honey Glazed Porkchop with Saltwort
Honey Glazed Sweet Berries
Honey Glazed Apple
Honey Glazed Porkchop
Chocolate Laced Sweet Berries
Chocolate Bar
Chocolate Pie
Sweet Berry Pie
Obviously the Sweetness Update heavily relies on some mod that adds honey, but as soon as Et Futurum Requiem adds the Buzzy Bees content, that will also be integrated.
Nature Update [WIP]:
This update adds and will add more content to the world generation and world as a whole, and it also is inspired somehow by the 1.19 Wild Update
Deepslate Salt Ore
Wet Mud Bricks
Mud Bricks
Planned Features: [These rely heavily on my coding abilities, so if there is anyone here who would be interested to help, write me a Private Message]
- A better Deepslate Ore generation, as for now you have to set the Deepslate Ore height according to the Deepslate height set in the Et Futurum Requiem config file
- Mud Brick Slabs, Stairs and Walls [there are a few issues I have to bang my head against until they get fixed ^^"]
- Mud Brick aging process. Inspired by the Adiecta Materia mod, Wet Mud Bricks are meant to be put on the ground so that they slowly dry in multiple stages until they're Dry Mud Bricks [kinda like Copper Blocks oxidize]
- Biome: Salt Marsh. A biome that spawns near oceans and consists of many shallow lakes, lined with Mineral Mud, broken up by patches of Slightly Saline Soil and Dirt on which Saltwort and Grass will spawn.
- Abandoned Brickmaker Camps. Structures that spawn in the Salt Marsh, consisting of wool tents and campfires [maybe], with Wet Bricks lying around to dry and Chests full of Mud Bricks, Saltwort, Wheat and maybe some Salt
- An extensive recipe book. Sure, one can always use NEI to look up the recipes, but I think it would be nice to have a recipe book that adds a tiny bit of lore to the game.
- [MAYBE] A new villager type revolving around salt, in accordance with AstroTibs' Village Names Mod.
- [MAYBE] Some more items revolving around milk, better utilizing the powdered milk from the original SaltyMod.
- [MAYBE] A Glistening Update, revolving around golden food items.
Modpack Policy
As with the original SaltyMod, you can use this Expansion in any mod pack, as long as the following conditions are met:
- Let me know about including SaltyMod Expanded in the modpack
- Provide a link to this mod page
- Properly credit the authors, Liahim85 and DariusDarkBum
- You cannot make any money off of the modpack
- Remove the mod from your pack if I specifically request it
For all other questions, ideas and suggestions, you can simply leave a comment or write Private Message, and I'll answer as soon as I get to it.
Have all the fun :)