- 0
sanity icon issue
#8 opened by End3r27 - 0
Some requests and suggestions, plus one bug I noticed
#3 opened by Sunconure11 - 0
[SUGGESTION] Allow for Dimension IDs
#4 opened by NihilEntropy - 0
Suggestion - ability to specify mob equipment
#5 opened by MuteTiefling - 1
[Compatibility] Spice of Life sanity values changing based on food familiarity.
#6 opened by UnlimatedStone9 - 1
Request: Changes to the modded command
#7 opened by katubug - 6
[SUGGESTION] Support for events other than sleep
#2 opened by Sunconure11 - 0
[SUGGESTION] Config or other system for picking up on modded food items
#1 opened by Sunconure11