Simple Covers

Simple Covers


This mod provides basic microblocks for MCMultipart.

Currently in alpha but almost feature-complete. Will move to beta status within the next few days.

Version 0.2 changed a lot of internal stuff and storage format. If you earlier alpha builds in a world you care about:

  • Backup your stuff before updating!
  • Microblocks placed in the world should convert to new format 
  • Microblock items will need to be manually converted to new format by placing in a crafting grid
  • Old microblock items will have a special icon and text, and can't be placed until converted
  • The upgrade system will be removed at some point in the future - make sure to visit all chunks where microblocks were placed, and convert all items now.



  • IMC API for mods to register additional materials

This mod is open source and licensed under LGPLv3 and can be freely redistributed. You can include it in modpacks (but please don't do it until it's more stable).